Tony Mussomeli, Kathy Scharner, Jamie Parcher,
Bobby Ladwig, Dave Peterson, Cindy Moorbeck,
Peter Wells, Peter Bavlnka, Cary Herron, Milton Borman, Gary Morrison and Brenda Weare

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Hey, this blog is a pretty hot commodity tonight – just about as hard as trying to access an Irish dance competition registration site (not a pretty scene)! Must be that pic of … who is that ..and that ..and that? So, I guess I’m not the only one “painting the town red” on a Saturday night .. yeah, I’m already in my jammies and ready for bed and it isn’t even 10 o’clock!
So, well, it finally occurred to me that my (parental) allegiance has gone north about a mile to Whitefish Bay (where my daughter is a sophomore) during a basketball game when I stood to comment on a ref on behalf of a Blue Duke player! However, I frequently refer to the Tower Times as the Ripples, the Tower as the Copperdome, etc., and so wish I could located that dink my older sister and brother and I shared that somehow got reshuffled during our folks (SHS Class of ’46) sale of the old homestead a couple years ago (that was a very strange, emotional day). My brain was flooded a couple weeks ago at the West Allis Farmers Market while browsing over some gorgeous mums. I went on to tell my daughter, much to her rolling eyes, all about Shorewood’s homecoming rituals and those white mum corsages with a red pipe cleaner “S” in the middle that was only reserved for the Seniors (Juniors were delegated to red carnations, I recall).
I have observed that some things are still the same and other things are different, for better or worse, in this world of high school. But, I can say the antics between these two North Shore villages have not waned as evidenced in the Crime Watch from this week’s North Shore Herald:
Two 16-year old Shorewood boys were cited for disorderly conduct after they toilet-papered Whitefish Bay High School, 1200 E. Fairmont Ave., spray-painted “SHS” on five sets of doors, egged the school and used chalk to write “SHS” on the Whitefish Bay community sign on East Sliver Spring Drive and North Lydell Avenue. Bushes in front of the sign also were toilet-papered. Several juveniles were involved in the incidents, which happened the night of Oct 12, during Whitefish Bay’s Homecoming week. (Thought you would enjoy this read and recall some of our own that got away!)
I was sitting at the stop sign on Bartlett and Capitol not too long ago and observed the change of morning classes across the street at SHS, thinking of how many feet had walked the same paths in all these years. The campus was alive and kicking, although I can say far less for the weary looking stadium, sans a football team, that still has that greyhound painted on the press box by Maurine Monroe and others from our class (?) I wonder what school, Bay or Shorewood, was left holding the Glory Cup.
Dan, Meg and I with our two kitties (Bob and Betty, aka Bob Wallace and Betty Haines from White Christmas – the best movie ever!) have been settled down here since Meg was a toddler and are in Bay for the long haul until she’s at least a couple years out of high school and retirement is somewhat in our picture. Someday we’ll get to that Idaho potato farm I dream of and Dan can ride me around on his motorcycle with a side car! Be well everyone.
P.S. Haven’t been too much into the high school reunion thing, attending only in ’86. Sounds like an off-year reunion is in order; as to borrow my brother Guy’s 31st reunion titled “Everyone’s Turning 50!” Beth Hoffman Delaney


Anonymous said...

So we're not the first ones to have a 31st in lieu of the 30th.
And most of us will be right around that big 5-0 age.
Beth, do you have any recommendations for a good place (not in WFB?)

Daniel Edelstein said...

(Tongue-In-Cheek) Answer to Anita's question to Beth about a good place for the 31st Reunion:

The Youth Center (of course!).....and if we hold it at night, the only food will be elderly apples (like us!) from the Apple Machine near the Bowling Alley windows. Remember?! (Seriously, I have some suggestions, far below at the XX)

However, if we hold it from noon to 1 pm, then Double Cheeseburgers are on the menu.


And, by the way, this just in from the Sports Wire:

Greyhounds Blog Bay Blue Dukes: 3 Eggs to 2 Eggs.

The highlights included 3 AAA Organic Eggs (scrambled style) on the Bay statue in the front of the building. Direct hits. All of them. All Greyhounds skee-daddled quickly out of there back across Hampton south and into Home Territory again before the Coppers and Blue Dukes knew what happened.

Actually, I never was recruited for Overnight Duty During The Annual Bay Invasion during Football Week. I was either a Conscientious Objector or working as an usher at the Milwaukee Arena.



Sign me up: I'll be a volunteer to help organize the 31st Reunion for the Summer of 2007. Hope that I can help from my N. CA (Novato) outpost. We've got plenty of organic eggs here in my locale within Marin Co. (25 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge)

Many folks would say there's plenty of granola here, too (You know, nothin' but fruits, nuts, and flakes in CA.......) (Bada bum......gong me.)

As for prospective venues for the 31st Reunion of the Blogger Slacker Class of '76, here's some ideas:

Hilton Hotel (same place as the 20th. That was the PB Era (Pre-Blog Era) )

Pfister Hotel

Shorewood Woman's Club (title is correct?; on River next to Morris St. near the Intermediate School) (That was where my sister Joy was married; it's a nice venue and gorgeous during the summer)

Lambeau Atrium (not!)

As for a date, the sooner the better for me to know, given my schedule.........

Anita and Beth, feel free to let me know how I might help:

Best wishes! Your BlogHound Egg-Tossing Classmate of '76, Daniel Edelstein, whose '76 Yearbook is now pressing rare plants

Anonymous said...

I do not remember an apple machine near the windows of the YC Bowling alley. Is the bowling alley still there by the way?
Anyway Beth, so enjoyed your blog! Still smiling about it. I remember those Mums with the Pipe CLeaner "S". What a hoot. You think that Meg rolled her eyes. How about when I made my boys - then 12 & 10 - stand in front of SHS, and wave, for a photo, during my last road trip to Wisconsin!!! Glad to see that tree we planted for Kathy Scharner was still there.
I loved "White Christmas, watch it each year! II like Holiday Inn as well (l939).
Dincs, Mums, Glory Cubs - how about those mammoth signs the Pep Club used to make, and hang in front of the houses of the football players! Our senior year when Beth overslept & Caryn P. and myself tore around Shorewood at 5:00 a.m. to hang them in time! Now we would probably be arrested for disorderly conduct, or at least defacing private property! Or maybe not Bano?????

Anonymous said...

Actually, when I first told Peggy about this blog, my first thought was to do the reunion at SHS-- if the YC isn't big enough, there's the arena, maybe?

Anonymous said...

Ooops! Bano says no alcohol on school property-- that might be a problem for this crowd.
I do like his suggestion, though, for everyone meeting on Friday night at Festa Italiana.

Anonymous said...

Ok Anita,
Plase comment about the ruinion on the New Reunion Post.
How do you know Festa is that weekend? I don't even have a 2007 calendar? I live week to week.
You guys are organized.

Anonymous said...

I just talked to Bano. He knows.

Anonymous said...

YEAH, where the heck is Bano, and does he still have those graduation slides?

Anonymous said...

I am going to do a mass classmates emailing tonight to get ppl over to this site. I will call Bano and Lori. We'll see what that brings.

Anonymous said...

So where is Bano? Is he on some under cover mission, or is he using his computer time to look up matching finger prints, and licence plates of the bad guys.
He should know, (being the cheif of police and all), that we are talking about him on this blog, doesn't he care? Lord knows what someone could be saying about him next?
Deb R.

Patti Breitbach Rashid said...

Hi Beth,
Wow! It's amazing the things that some people remember. Like the red carnations. After reading your entry I did vaguely remember those carnations! I may even have one pressed between the pages of my 76 Copperdome!
I find it amazing that somehow our paths have not crossed in 20 years since we both are in the MKE area. Did you really only attend the 10 year reunion? It doesn't seem like it's been that long.
Anywhoo, I really enjoy reading thru these blog entries. The reunion should be fun!
And I agree-"White Christmas" is an awesome movie! We watch it as a family faithfully each year (that and "It's a Wonderful Life").

Anonymous said...

Hey, hello! Yeah, it's funny how you can live in an area for many years and not see folks you know - however, my husband and I are pretty much homebodies so that would explain that! Have been in and around southeastern Wisconsin, with almost the past 15 in the Northshore and I probably have seen no more than a handful of SHS folks - most of whom through client contact via my job with a local attorney and strangely, Katie Barry always seems to be working her shift at Columbia when either someone in my family or myself wakes from anesthesia!