Tony Mussomeli, Kathy Scharner, Jamie Parcher,
Bobby Ladwig, Dave Peterson, Cindy Moorbeck,
Peter Wells, Peter Bavlnka, Cary Herron, Milton Borman, Gary Morrison and Brenda Weare

Monday, November 06, 2006

Time Difference

Hi All,

Everytime I try to post it's a different story and the time difference isn't helping. I only have access at an internet cafe. So to quickly respond to the many things I've read . I've been in Bordeaux since June and will be back on the eastside of Milwaukee, where I live, in December. Dave Phinney is alive, but I am not sure how well and I see him walking near north and prospect but we've never spoken. Joan, I have the pictures of people in the cheerleading uniform, so watch the "short" comments. Perry, by far, has the best legs! Andy, I am trying to remember you working in the kitchen at Primas. Laurels house sounds great. I love all the chatter and wish I could jump in because my head is spinning with curiousity. It has been a great source of entertainment and freaks me out a little.....I'm dreaming about highschool. I look forward to next July.

a bientôt,


Claudia / PVS said...

Thanks Joan you sweetie. I can't post the picture until I am back in the states in Dec. I think Perry is a teacher somewhere in Minn. Anita might know.

Buzz Stephens said...

These allusions Jodie is making to Dave P. concern me. I have been out of this loop for so long I probably don't know one tenth of what the rest of you do. If anyone has any info on him could they please email me privately? I mean, if he is in trouble and there is something we could do to help...

Anonymous said...

Hi Jodie! It's great to hear from you. What are you doing in France? I usually spend the month of August in Saint Paul de Vence.
Dan, I agree it would be nice if there was something we could do for him.

Anonymous said...

Jodie, you and Dave Peterson might have worked at Primas after I left. But I'm sure you remember Esther. You and Laurel are lucky to spend time in France...Provence and Bordeaux are great places. I spent a little time in Amsterdam and Amman last year taking some time off from work. Traveling is great, I can't get enough of it. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't spend my summers in France, YET!, but I do have an idea about opening a frite (freet? freit? you know big french fries in paper cones with sauces) stand -- I think it would make a fortune but I don't want to do it. I have many, many brilliant money-making schemes shooting around in my fevered brain, as my husband will surely tell you, but I don't want to do any of them myself. God I am so lazy. But I have good ideas. No, really.

Jodie so good to have you here!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jodie:

I am so envious of you living in France. What a great experience. I have been there twice over the years, but only in Paris and Normandy area, though I did make a quick jaunt to Chartes to see their amazing cathedral. I am curious what brought you there. If memory serves me you were a massage therapist. I believe you used to work with Vernita Gray, who I was close to many years ago. Anyway, I hope all is well and that you are having a fabuous time.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy N., I haven't thought about Vernita in years! Yes, I was a massage therapist but I went back to school and got a masters in traditional chinese medicine, so now I put needles in people. I have a practice in Glendale down the road from the new ginormous Bayshore. I am in France because my husband is working at the University of Bordeaux. I am drinking red wine and eating fois gras, which is not politcally incorrect here.

Anonymous said...

...and does that fois gras taste good over there? wasn't a poor goose or duck tortured to make that??

Anonymous said...

How do you feel about that fois gras now, eh??

Funny Anita!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, yeah, nothing I don't already know. When in France.....don't wear a fannypack and tennies.

Anonymous said...

Where I live, foie gras is off the menu. That along with various shark species are no-no's -- and the restaurant patrons would not show up.

Hmmmmm.......Of course, this place also had a plurarality of voters last night that voted FOR impeachment and Nancy Pelosi is one of our (proud) products: Local Girl Makes Good!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that Dan E would never come to my husbands Lobster Bake in our backyard for July Fourth? Anita how do you feel about lobsters boiling?
I'm not a fan of it, but I can deal with it once a year, considering Als bakes are known far and wide.
Speaking of Coyotes; at a farm in Plymouth, a coyote has killed 9 goats, so this guy bought a donkey to keep them away? Anyone know this about donkeys?(I could put a Nancy Pelosi joke in there but I won't)

Anonymous said...

oooh-- I still remember to this day when my parents took me out to Karl Ratzsch's for my 16th birthday-- I ordered the lobster, and it was exquisite! Deb-- I never pass up lobster.
As far as the donkey vs coyote-- my understanding is that the donkey can kick the coyote with the hind legs & knock it down, then pound it with the front legs. You don't want to mess with a donkey. (Here in Michigan they kicked some elephant butt,too-- our cute blonde governor just defeated the former head of Amway, who is sort of a mini-me of George W.) Rural legend has it that the kids that are showing a steer at the county fair send it out to pasture tied to a donkey. The steer quickly learns how to follow a lead.
Whoa-- going back to voting-- what's up with the majority of Wisconsin voters FOR the death penalty??

Anonymous said...

No prob on lobster and Lobster Barbeque Fun. That's good stuff AND, most importantly, it's a common, "cultivated" resource.

But wild fish species and their depleted populations (e.g., various, but NOT all, shark species) is a different story. I'm humble as a science writer and am not spouting opinion here in providing attribution that many recent research and peer reviewed articles indicate fish populations are down due to human intrustion (e.g., overfishing).

Not to be too serious here, thus and ergo:
I'm all for Firing Up the Grill and for LobsterFests......They're about as endangered as Wonderbread and Twinkies (read: plentiful).

As for the attribution/references here in the epilogue of this Too Long Blathering (sorry):
- National Science Foundation
- National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
- Academy of Sciences

Now enuf said.....I gotta go get seconds at Red Lobster (and, by the way, that reminds me that one of my first published articles was about a Milwaukee-based lobsterman who harvested them in Belize where I visited as an aimless tourist in 1983 while hobo-ing around the globe. Get this: The Journal-Sentinel Green Sheet (remember it!?) published the freelance article.......and, yes, the man actually sold his catch to Red Lobster, then a fledgling restaurant chain on the up and up, poised to pinch the public's fancy in a major way.

Hearty eating, all.....Daniel

Anonymous said...

No grill in sight for Als lobsters, which he gets right off the boat - they're steamed in sea water, atop a bed of sea weed. I am so glad that I taught him how to cook a good brat- right out of the Usingers box - soaked in beer. Now that is my kind of summer sizzle. Umm Umm. Can take the girl out of Wisconsin, but can't take Wisconsin out of the girl