Can you find any of your SHS classmates in this picture? Look for Rebecca, Andy, Peggy, Jane Cross, Julie Ross, Sue P?, Robin Shore, ...maybe more.
I am still looking for the ones with Claudia in it. Her grade school pic reminds me of the little girl in the movie Wait Until Dark.
Peggy! What grade is this at Hartford? You and Rebecca look SO CUTE!! Is that Andy Nunnally-- the tallest in the back row?
I think it is Andy. Andy???
I can't remember the year but I think it was 2nd or 3rd grade. Maybe Rebecca can shed some light. How in the hell do 25 (okay - 40) years go by so quickly?
For some reason I'm under the impression it was 1966...so it must be 3rd grade.
Yep, that's Andy in the back row. All those little faces look so familiar, but at the same time I can't remember everyone's names.
I showed this picture to someone I work with (she's 10 years younger than me) and she asked if we dressed up for picture day. I'm sure we did, but girls always wore dresses to school. Remember that? Remember when you had to come home and change out of your school clothes and into your play clothes?
Remember when we weren't allowed to wear pants to school?
I remember winter in 6th grade--the year I started going to Atwater--when some parents petitioned the school to let girls at least wear pants under their dresses on the way to school to keep warm. And then we had to change out of them once we got there. At least that's how I remember it.
Wow, I forgot about that. We were not allowed to wear pants! Can you believe that?? I think it was in 6th grade (at Hartford) that a few of us rebels got together and decided to wear pants one day. After that, all of the girls followed suit.
Claudia, when did you leave Hartford?
GREAT PICTURE, wish it were clearer, everyone does look so cute and familiar???
Rebecca you are exactly right about that petition. I remember that too, it was sixth grade and an unusually cold winter.
I also remember some woman coming into Mr. Baumeisters class and having ___Catalano (?) stand up and model the "pant suit" that she had on, showing the rest of us what was appropriate in pants!!!
Remember also Mrs. Morris (6th grade), doing the splits in her dress in front of the class?
(Rebecca, I love Iowa, you're coming to the reunion right?)
Hi Deb--
I don't remember Mrs. Morris doing the splits!!!
I do remember having parties--in broad daylight--during school and bringing our 45's to dance to. I slow danced with David Peterson to Leaving on a Jetplane. But then some parents complained because slow dancing would "lead to things" and that was the end of that.
Remember Mr. Baumeister's hair? It was a perfect Brill Cream comb back. But when he leaned over there was a valley on top filled with snow!
Yeah, I'll be at the reunion.
Hi R
You know Mr. B retired only a few years ago! Funny how he seemed so ancient back in l969. Remember when you got in trouble with him, you had to go to the old math book and do Page 18 Tests 1,2 & 3. I remember Jeff Alvarado having to do that about a million times.
I am feeling somewhat better now, I was "Sudafed induced" rambling on the Recipe blog and got scolded by "Anonymous", so thought I'd switch back to the Mother Blog as Anita put it.
Tell me do you still sew? I remember you, Laurel and Sharon Zulli in sewing class, wishing I had taken it. Much sitting around, cutting treads & chit chatting, sounded like my kinda class!
ok... on the pic, I think I remember some. Bill Spink, Victor Torkelson, David Hoffman, Craig Conrad, Jan Weingerber, J. Rodriguez, Bill Trapp, John Washelefsky, Susan Peltier, Margaret Morehead, Rob Sorrin, DeeDee Siedel and some girl I called BB...as well as you all. Whew ! I might remember more after a glass or two of Chardonnay...
oh yeah. one more thing. I remember someone saying those in the front row will have your hands clasped and cross your feet... looks like they all did.
Andy, what a memory! I don't even remember Hartford, I remember Lake Bluff and Atwater. Where was Hartford?
Hartford and Maryland Avenues I think? Right near UWM on the Milwaukee side.
yep. deb is right! I'll try and dig up some more stuff from the 'vault'. I guess my dementia hasn't kicked in quite yet, eh? 48 and still kickin'.
Deb, I would swear Mr. B was ancient back then-- how could that be that he just retired? What are your sources? His exclamations were different: "Horsefeathers!"
Andy, which one is Robbie Sorrin?
darn it, I can't pick out Deedee or Bill Trapp either
rod sorrin is two to the left of me. Bill Trapp is third row down, fifth from the left. Dee Dee, I think is second row down, second from the left. Geez, that looks like Claudia, first row, far left...could it be?
I think that's Louise Fredericks in the front row, far left. She lived on Summit. Did Claudia go to Hartford?
Yes Deb, I do still sew, now usually just at Halloween. But apparently this year was the last for costumes. Our youngest daughter just turned 13 and she told me she was done. We'll see...
Oh yeah, I remember this one time when Jodie and I got into trouble for some reason...talking, probably. And Mr. Baumeister made us copy some pages from the dictionary. I think we even had a hard time staying serious then, and he was kind of a softy and let us off the hook anyway.
Boy Andy, you have a great memory, and good eyesight too!!! The teacher looks a bit "Britney Spearish"?
I lived on Summit Ave too, the Milw side, until 3rd grade when we moved seven blocks into Shorewood. Went to Campus Elementary before that, right inside of UW-M. Classmates were Mary Gardner, Megan Breeze, John Cavan, and Catherine Callaway (Blond from CNN).
I know I have Atwater class pics in my archival boxes, but cannot look now. Everyone else keep them coming!!
Oh, now that Pic. is so cute. Who is the boy standing in front of the pretty Teacher? No wonder he has such a big smile, lol.
The faces are all familiar its just placing all the names.
We need some more Atwater photos, not that that will help my memory!!!
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