Or at least it is here.
Sorry to have been away so long and so mysteriously, I didn't intend to be. My dad has been very ill and I've been pretty busy with things related to that. And the holidays, of course. I will have to go to the recipe blog and post my recipe for the most amazing muffins I'm making as gifts -- they are made with coconut flour and blueberries. And speaking of traditions, Daniel, I go around to 2nd hand stores every year and collect all the coolest, funkiest plates from the '60's that I can find, then make dear little muffins like these to put on the plates and give as gifts every year. This gives me an excuse to give my friends way-cool plates to keep, since just handing them an empty plate can seem odd. My tradition of 2 or 3 years now, I guess. Maddie helped me wrap some up tonight.
Anyway, I just wanted to explain my absence (just as in high school , I guess) and to wish all a great holiday season.
July 21st is going to be here before we know it.
And this is going to be so cool I can hardly stand it.
with love Claudia
Glad you're back!
Hope things are improving for your father!
We've missed you -- and I love that holiday-season SHS! I want to steal or borrow your muffin/plate tradition, but it's probably too late this year. I'm not taking time off until after Christmas so I won't be quite the perfect mother, sister, cousin, friend this year. But I'm trying to remember to enjoy all the people in my life, and I'm grateful for all of you!
Yes Claudia, glad you're back! I'm sorry about your Dad. That's a hard thing to deal with, let alone this time of year.
Hope you all have a happy holiday.
Claudia, what a Fabulous Tradition that is. I love, love, love that idea! However if I borrow that in the future can I use a really good Bakery for the Muffins? lol
Great to have you back Claudia and best wishes to your Family. :)
No sight of the storm we just had a bit ago and its been in the 50's here, strange weather for Wis.
Welcome back. Sooooo, when can we expect to get our muffins :)?
Feel our support from far away...
Claudia, sorry about your dad. As we get older it really hits home about how responsible our role now becomes, I liked being the little kid with all the big relatives. Now find that I'm the big relative with my own children, nieces, nephews ect. The torch passes.
This is really depressing, why am I writing this!
Better go make those muffins and cheer up.xoxL
Best wishes to you, Claudia, and glad you're back.
Likewise, I'm sure I speak for all of us GreyHoundBloggers in wishing you a fine holiday season.
Here's wishing your family and Dad health and happiness in the new year......and I love the creativity you share on your sight, as it exudes wit and rye punnery with graphics. SHS dressed up for the holidays makes me smile as I write from 2,600 miles away from all our memories. Is that Prancer or Dancer or whomever ungulate with Santa on the left side of the roof!?
Again, thanks, Claudia!
Thanks again for all your well wishes. We are off to drop Maddie at a friend's house where she will spend the afternoon making gingerbread houses, and then R & I are going shopping in the big city of Kalispell for presents. How Christmas spirit can we get.
Thanks you guys.
love c
Hi All
Claudia - wonderful idea with the plates and muffins, I wish my friends here were as cool as you. (Great graphics as usual).
Laurel, I too remember being a kid and the cool older relatives. I am not sure I am cool at all. Creative maybe, but not cool. Yes, now I am depressed too, but so happy to be "talking" to you all this holiday season. Heh, Remember how GREAT it was on the last day of school before the Holiday Break........the second best school day of the year, (second only to the last day of school in June).
Best to you Claudia & your Dad. Thinking of you.
Lots of love everyone, Deb.
Oh yeah, I forgot.......
Al gets this package at his office. Much of our shopping was internet, & all shipped to his office, as to not spur curiosity from my boys, (who turn into six year olds at this time of year). He opens up package, and it is the now famous Cheese Bra. He thought I had now taken a "turn for the worse" in the football fan mania department, (forgot to mention it was coming). He was quite relieved that I didn't intend to wear it while watching football on TV. Although I wonder if I could look as stunning as the Packer Babe on this blog???
Deb-- you need to, at least, model it for him before you give it away!
HILARIOUS Deb -- when I picture your husband opening that at work!!! Must have been shocked and a bit repulsed, too, I imagine. Too funny!!
I just happen to skim down to the tradition post and saw that Jodie was there. I have to remember to check everything once in awhile, because we are all over the place!
Left a message there for you, Jodie.
Deb, please leave a picture here of you with your cheese bra on, there will be no joking about it, I promise!
I just happen to skim down to the tradition post and saw that Jodie was there. I have to remember to check everything once in awhile, because we are all over the place!
Left a message there for you, Jodie.
Deb, please leave a picture here of you with your cheese bra on, there will be no joking about it, I promise!
Yes, Deb, I think Laurel has a very good idea there about the picture. And we promise not to laugh. Really.
Oh Deb, now that is funny! I vote for the Pic too, however there is no way I can promise not to laugh.
I'm laughing just thinking about it, so funny! :)
Laurel, thanks, saw your message.
My best to you and your family Claudia.
Also, healing wishes to Story, who is convalescing at home.
Thank you, Jodie. What did I miss about Story? Is she recovering from something?
Martine, what are you doing up so late? It seems like all of a sudden everyone got done with all their wrapping and have time to check in! We are usually the last to post here on the west coast because of the time difference!
Yes, she had surgery on her leg. I talked to her today and she said it is tough sitting at the computer. Hopefully she will jump in again soon.
Jodie, just saw what you said about Story, I too like Claudia is wondering what happened?
Were all commenting so fast I can't keep up! Why surgery on her leg?
I'll leave it to Story to share any details. Let's just say, she is on the mend.
haha Laurel, I was wondering what you were doing up but forgot about the time change, lol. Yes was up late wrapping away, whew what a long day.
Story, sending you positive thoughts and hope your ok, what happened to your leg my dear?
Jodie, I said Hi to you on the other post but I will say Hi here too and welcome home :)
Hi Martine, you guys are all up late. I am off to sleep.
Claudia, the Degas is just perfect!
Claudia, your just too quick, love the Degas too!
Very funny, I'll be laughing as I fall asleep!
Well done Claudia, well done!
Way past my bedtime. Night Laurel, night all :) xox
Ixnay on the "cheesey" photo, but may have to photograph the lucky one who picks it.
Does anyone have holiday meltdowns with family, spouses, kids at this time of year? Always one thing that just sets everyone off. Our tree fell last night, at 1:00a.m. Broken glass everywhere, I am the only who heard it. I, of course, blame Al for picking out a tree that was too big in the first place, and not anchoring it properly, AND the trunk is not straight. He says I should have picked it out, (heh, I was working that Saturday), This happens almost every year!!!! It is too enormous for the room, what is it with men and spacial relationships?
Feel better Story
We have a couple of large cats that haven't yet outgrown kittenhood playfulness, and keep batting at the baubles. I was in the kitchen the other day, when I heard the crash. Thank goodness we were thinking small this year, and decided to just use a potted Norfolk Pine that we already had in the house. A lot of the baubles and lights fell off, but nothing broke as it landed on the rug-- mostly a bunch of dirt to clean up.
Otherwise, MOST of us are happy with my little "Charlie Brown" tree, except for my 19-year-old that is now home from college and said, "That's really sad" when she saw my little work of art. What does she know-- she says she's never seen "Charlie Brown's Christmas."
Now I'm going to have to find that.
Glad you girls like the Degas. The more I see of her the more I love her, I must admit.
As to Deb and that tree: YOUR TREE FALLS DOWN EVERY YEAR??!! Sorry, but that's hilarious. Am I getting perverse? Or more perverse?
And Anita, how did your 19 year old miss Charlie Brown's Christmas? What -- were you having her play outside or something, when she should have been inside in front of the TV? What were you thinking?
am I a MEAN MOM, or what?
Bad Mom. All that fresh air and sunshine...I shudder to think.
making pumpkin and white chocolate chip cookies now
Our tree fell down twice on Sunday! Once in the morning and once at night! In 48 Christmases, this has never happened before. So hilarious, luckily only one ornament broke. The second time, we were at a neighborhood holiday "progressive" party and the teenagers went to my house. They claimed it had fallen before they got home but who knows. One of my lovely neighbors came by and got it back up for me -- we now call him "the tree whisperer" b/c he lifted and anchored this 8 foot douglas fir in about 15 seconds, and I'm not kidding. Straighter and sturdier than ever. It's a good way to bond with neighbors.
Missing all of the chatter over here but it's just a crazy time. I'll be home alone wrapping presents tonight and will check in again! xoxo
Not every year, but about ten times in 23 years of marriage!!!! We have tried "state of the art" tree stands, and fishing line to anchor them. Once my Dog went pee on it, as he thought we brought the trees inside for him. Once it was actually two trees that split off, mid trunk, and we had to tie it together - I don't know why? But it is so pretty and smells lovely, & each year we plant 3 to replace the 1 we cut. Maybe we should plant 5?
Don't try that equivocating stuff with me, Deb, it's STILL hilarious.
I love your dog.
And Joan! I hate to tell you what I'm doing now but I'll tell you anyway: baking cookies and mooning over Paul Newman movies on TMC...they just showed Cat On A Hot Tin Roof and now Sweet Bird Of Youth. I must say he looks quite well in both! (swooning, turning-into-noodles).
Maddie's Christmas progam is at school tonight, so we'll do that and then the three of us were just gifted with a trip to Wisconsin to spend Christmas Eve with my folks...compliments of my wonderful sister in Chicago. Very sudden, very quick trip -- in on Friday night, out Monday morning.
So I'm baking cookies, vacuming the floor, wrapping some presents and leaving, I think pretty much.
Wow, Claud, your sister is an angel -- and so are you, because as lovely as that sounds it is of course also stressful. But you'll never regret it. I'll be thinking about you. Hope I can get home in time to catch the TMC magic.
You know I thought at first that I'd be stressed, but so far all I feel is relief. I'm glad.
And later today they are showing Suddenly Last Summer -- isn't that Montgomery Clift and Elizabeth Taylor? It seems to me that it's whatshername -- Shelly Winters who's really amazing in that (as in Lolita, sheesh that woman!) but then again Taylor is just so gorgeous that it's fun to watch for that, too. Good story,too. Kind of a winner all around!
Only no Paul Newman!! But you can take comfort in the knowledge that I enjoyed watching him today!
as I'm sure you do.
I do! And I love Suddenly Last Summer! Not very Christmasy but...I'm glad you're relieved, not stressed. We'll all be thinking of you.
Enjoy your time with your family Claudia. What a wonderful gift from your sister. Sorry we dont have any snow left for sledding or snowballs. Hey, who remembers going down St. Marys Hill, that was the best for sledding. Estabrook Park had a good hill too.
I have no idea why that just popped into me head but it is a good memory :)
St Mary's Hill when I was in 6th grade! Oh man it was SO FUN I thought I was gonna die. I couldn't believe we could get away with having that much fun out there at night -- just kids! And Lake Park, too, was where I went iceskating every night after dinner on school nights. I bet Andy remembers that. And maybe Rebecca, although she didn't remember that I WENT TO HARTFORD!!! God, Rebecca, and I even remember your gogo boots from Hartford!! So cool.
Thanks, Joan. And I'll be thinking of all of you, too. And checking in when I can. Although I'm not leaving til Thursday, still, I feel there's much to do.
Stray Quiz: what is that a line from?: "...still feeling there was much to do, she left." Something like that...or "much undone" -- heck, is that from Jane Eyre? Now it's bugging me....arg.
Claudia, whomever said that is my kind of women!
I'm still laughing at all the tree falling stories! OK, guys once ok, but twice in one day and/or every year the tree falls down! I'm crying.
Merry Christmas and may your trees stand tall!
Oh I know Laurel, those tree stories -- I'm sure! And I still don't know what that quote is from...shoot.
And Joan, Suddenly Last Summer just ended (not the one I was thinking -- this one has Catherine Hepburn being looney in it) but LATER ON (and I'm so jealous cause I'm gonna miss it) THE BAD SEED is coming on...and then LATER, THE LITTLE GIRL WHO LIVES DOWN THE LANE (old Jodie Foster movie I saw once when I had nothing to do in high school -- too weird!)
So you've got some good company there tonight.
The Bad Seed. Shucks!
I know, Laurel, too funny. Don't laugh too hard or your tree will be next!
The Bad Seed is one of my favorite movies. My daughter Sydney has a friend that is somewhere between Eddie Haskel and the girl in that movie!! I hope I didn't miss it.
St. Marys Hill was so wonderful. Ironic it is right near a hospital!!!! If the hill doesn't get ya, the trees will, and if you are so lucky to still be going down, the traffic on Lake Drive will surely get ya, and if you avoid the cars, then I guess you'll drown in Lake Michigan; unless of course it is Frozen over, and you end up in Kalamazoo at Anitas house!!!
Wow, Claudia, are you flying? Must be a few changovers to get to Illinois? Have fun, safe travels.
Better anchor your tree when you are gone.....ya never know???
I ignored my tree today, watched some silly foreign flick on cable, wishing I could find the remote to find your movies......I actually wished I had a remote that finds the remote. Too lazy to get up & change it like we did in the olden days. Disgusted at all things I had to do, so did NONE Of them, and enjoyed myself totally.
Just walked in the door the tree is still standing! Deb, Joan, and anyone else any problems? I guess we know what to buy these guys next year, new ornaments.
Joan, it feels so good to be done with all the shopping and wrapping, can now enjoy the holidays!
I took my mother to Luques for lunch, when you come to LA, I'm taking you there. It's Susanne Goin place, the food is great. Went to the Geffen theatre tonight. Glad the tree is still standing, I was really getting worried about all of you, ok just you and Deb!
What's for Christmas dinner?
Uh, sorry Claudia...I didn't remember that you went to Hartford. I guess my mind was too busy thinking about my Red River Rifle and BatMan in those days...! I guess our parents all bugged out of Milwaukee for the suburbs at the same time.
Anyway, I can't really add any falling Christmas tree stories to the post, but it was fun reading all of yours. We usually have real candles on our tree, one of Markus' family traditions that we've continued, and so far, no living room conflagrations to tell about.
I hope you all have a great holiday! The blog has been a nice way to get to know you all again.
A sure way to not have your tree fall is to ask the man to take some off because you want a smaller tree - only to end up with a christmas bush! I was able to put the star on standing in my stocking feet. And I haven't grown any since high school, at least not vertically. Hope you all have a healthy, joyful holiday.
Ok, not to beat a dead horse, or bra, BUT I did pick up the cheese bra at the office today.
That thing IS the wackyest thing that I have ever seen!! There is no way that it would fit over anything above a A size. The foam used is about a inch thick, it is strapless, and ties in the back with what looks like bungie chord hooks. I wonder what the profit margin is on this thing? Kudos to whomever designed it. They are laughing all the way to the bank, and I am too just by looking at it.
Now I'll have to check back on that picture -- from what you describe, she must be one of the people who look "good" in it...
Deb you do sound so disapointed. I think you were secretely counting on trying it on, weren't you? Sniff.
No, but my 14 year old son couldn't resist trying it on!!!!!
He is such a clown. Alex offered him $5 to streak down the street wearing nothing but the cheese bra.
He wouldn't do it. (Thank God).
Deb, you have a very smart son! Is it me or do you all find it difficult to buy for your kids?
I remember wanting white go-go boots and skates.
Do you all remember skating at night at Atwater?
I had the biggest crush on Kris Johnson, I wrote his name all over my tennis shoes! The apple does'nt fall far from the tree, just looked at my little Cassidy's shoes, Daniel is written all over the place!
Laurel, I use to love to go skating at Atwater. They would freeze it every year and they had a little shack were you could put your skates on and get hot chocolate. I dont think schools do it anymore which is a shame. I too loved my white skates :)
My daughter is out skating tonight! They freeze a couple of public plazas in San Francisco and have skating over the holiday. I was starting to think about how good we had it when I realized...our kids have it pretty good, too!
Laurel, my daughter just wants clothes and more clothes. I would still like to think of something special, though.
Bizarre nostalgia-mindbender of the week: One of Nora's best friends is a senior (Nora's a junior) and just went to look at Madison -- and fell in love with it. She's now evangelizing to Nora, who has treated my insistence that she at least LOOK at Madison like I'm an old lady having a senior moment. She's now excited to go see it in July! We'll see...Dave, if AJ goes away, she could move in with you! (I believe Dave Meyer lurks all the time but posts rarely!)
Back to wrap more gifts!
Oh Martine, those were the good old days, do you remember the music? Sometimes, I hear a song and all the memories come back. I would go out after dinner with my skates tied together, around my neck and walk all the way over there...great memories!
Oh I do remember the music Laurel, my more memories. I too walked with my skates around my neck. I only had to walk 2 blocks and I always stayed till it closed for the night. (sigh) :)
Joan, maybe a gold cross if she doesnt have one or a bracelet with a heart on it and maybe inscribed? Or a ring or necklace with her birthstone? It does get harder at that age.
Thanks, Martine, I do think jewelry is probably the way to go.
I came too late for your Atwater memories, but I am really enjoying them vicariously!
You are lucky she only wants clothes. My 10 year old has every electronic gadget they make on her list. I have already dropped a bundle and am not done yet. After Christmas, I am listing my kids on EBay to cover my expenses.
Oh Peggy, toooooo funny lol :)
L & M: Atwater skating was a great time. You could ice skate at recess!!!!
Joan: my friend just told me the same thing about her dauthers college search. Her alma mater, (Holy Cross), was her daughters "fall back" choice. HA,
God forbid she'd go where her Mom went. Alex told me the other day he's going to apply at UW !!!!
He turned 16 on Tuesday, and my youngest turned 14 TODAY. They were the best gifts under our tree. My dog stole their hats & put the frisbee in their carrier awaiting the 2 day old to toss it for him!
You all have a great weekend, filled with lots of love, (and baked goods) and hopefully at least one really funny, silly, outragous gift that makes you laugh.
L & M: Atwater skating was a great time. You could ice skate at recess!!!!
Joan: my friend just told me the same thing about her dauthers college search. Her alma mater, (Holy Cross), was her daughters "fall back" choice. HA,
God forbid she'd go where her Mom went. Alex told me the other day he's going to apply at UW !!!!
He turned 16 on Tuesday, and my youngest turned 14 TODAY. They were the best gifts under our tree. My dog stole their hats & put the frisbee in their carrier awaiting the 2 day old to toss it for him!
You all have a great weekend, filled with lots of love, (and baked goods) and hopefully at least one really funny, silly, outragous gift that makes you laugh.
Ooops clicked twice, sorry
Yes, Joan:
I agree with you that my good and fine friend, Dave Meyer, is a lurker …..and I also opine (bravely) that there are many other Closet Lurkers out there! (including me).
I me myself and I came out of the Closet more than once here… (as you know)…and I am going to lobby for the Madtown-UW experience that I hope Nora enjoys.
I vote for her becoming a Bucky Badger!
I just visited Madison for three days in November over the recent holiday.
It’s always a pleasure to walk the campus and saunter down State Street.
It’s no wonder that lots of graduates there are waiters and cab drivers in lieu of going anywhere else.
For these reasons, I am hoping to the max that my senior high school niece goes to UW-Madison next year (!) It would be great joy for me (Unc’ Daniel) to know she is a student at UW.
Heck, maybe she and Dave’s Amanda and Nora will all go keg up and grill brats together at the tailgate parties……..(!) (smile) Daniel
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