What’s your favorite holiday tradition this time of year?
Feel free to Share & Tell…..and I’ll tell you, initially, why I enjoy this time year so much:
First, there’s seems to be a struggle and a challenge on the West Coast to find the feeling of family, given so many of us are newcomers living far away from our roots (That’s me raising my hand as high as possible.)
For example, it was with great chagrin and regret that I bid my first cousin goodbye a few years ago when she and her wonderful family moved to Kansas City from Novato in Marin County, CA where we both lived.
So now Linda and I are without any immediate family in Marin County, though it’s nice her folks are 60 miles away to the south.
Seeking more and ongoing connection and bonding with community, we’ve found surrogate replacements, such as the Swing Dance community (lots of fun!) and (for me) conservation volunteering (local Audubon chapter).
But none of it replaces true family……which is why my vote for a favorite holiday tradition is to send out a plenitude of holiday cards, each with a current photo of our little threesome tribe: me, Linda and our Dogter: Sierra, a sweet-sweet, 12-year-old black labrador.
Getting together with friends at holiday time is also heart-warming…….This year, Joan Walsh, kicked off the holiday cheer in a special way a couple nights ago by inviting us for her Tree Trimming Party. Thanks Joan (!) – and Linda and I enjoyed meeting your daughter, Nora, your siser, and your friends, in addition to marveling at your cool and elegant abode. Great to see you!
Daniel Edelstein, who better get busy with the holiday card sendout (i.e., this year’s version has an artistic Snowy Owl on the cover, one of your Wisconsin winter rare visitors……)