I was just adding that little SHOW AND TELL thing on the sidebar for any and all ideas, websites, etc., people want to share, and I wondered if I could upload a personal video, or if it had to be on the internet first. This here experiment is of Madeline Jane trying out her new bike last Spring. And you needn't feel shy about telling me how adorable she is. I can take it.
Just think: if it works, we can show all kinds of stuff up here!
She is edible!
The filming - not so good.
I hope the next 3 months go by quickly for you and a big congrats on your book deal.
Thank you, Peggy! Are you going to show it to Harper...or better yet, make one of Harper?
Let's see how good YOUR filmmaking skills are, toots!
p.s. I still say you're the coolest, Mortier!
I have to agree with Peggy, good thing your an author and not a filmmaker!!
Beautiful, beautiful girl, just like mom!
Ha! Wise guys at every turn!
Hey That was excellent!! Wow I remember my first bike with training wheels. I REALLY remember my first NEW bike - it was a Schwinn 5 speed ( we didn't have mountain bikes back then!)It was green & I was in 5th grade & Brenda Weare used to race against me on Lake Bluff along with Jack Edelstein!! That was fun!! I know that Maddie is having a blast! Lovin' the fun!!
Who won, Anonymous? You, Jack, or Brenda?
I'd say the camera person (Claudia!) had a degree from USC film school. You know, George Lucas' alma mater before Star Wars fame. That's where the jiggly camera technique became famous, with Woody Allen perfecting the technique and Claudia improving upon it :-)......
I'm more worried that cute Maddie's bike seat is so low she'll drag her feet like Fred Flintstone. :-)
What a free spirit she is.
How sweet is that!
M :)
Well I must admit, I remember a day when I wiped out at the top of the hill at Frederick & skinned my knee pretty bad! I was way too competative back then. It was all down hill & coasting from Irene Diamonds house ( at the apex of the hill on Lake bluff & Frederick). I must correct myself!!- It was'nt Jack it was Dan Edelstein. Who by the way lived just past the top of the hill & was able to turn off early. Brenda lived a few blocks SW of my house so we got to carry it a bit farther. Great memories! Love Greta
I agree: bike-riding was the best. Sigh. I had an old red Schwinn I called "Old Paint." Sniff. Good ol' Old Paint.
And do you mean to tell me you guys didn't see that brilliant motion picture The Blair Witch Project? My camera work is as good as theirs!
very cute kid and the camera work is distinctive.
Soundtrack is also cool - we don't have that kind of frog or croaking thing in the east.
check the front tire for air.
Ha! You know my blogging thing is so not working, I never know anymore when people leave comments, but this was a great one to wake up to this morning...making me laugh you guys.
Who's Mike? Is that Mike Sz? or Mike Szomebody Elze?
p.s. isn't some brave soul out there going to treat us to one of their OWN home movies? Something pedestrian...maybe David Meyer and family going on a picnic, or Deb going shopping for fabric! C'mon, that's the stuff I LOVE to see!!
Easily Amused In God's Country
Proud Papa Daniel has plenty of home movies of Prince Avi, but that's redundant entertainment -- as his blog is already posted on the top left with a link that you created:
Daniel's Prince
Folks who want to see the kid who's blogging before crawling are welcome to see the muse and photos and videos at:
Daniel I'm really starting to wonder if use of the words "proud parents of..." before either of our names isn't a tad unnecessary!
You've got it as bad as Robert had it, D. You should see the boxes of video of Madeline just lying on her back as a baby. Oh boy. And we WATCHED those when she was a baby!
True love, there's nothing like it.
Madeline is a star & it's great to see a kid active in nature instead of glued to a PC or game boy. I had a one-speed, pedal brakes Schwinn, blue to Claud's red. Vicki Weisenberg (sp?)& I used to play 'Mod Squad' on our bikes around Lake Bluff - I was probably 'Linc'. "Name?". "Hayes". "First name?" "L-i-i-i-ncoln"! is how that character was introduced at the beginning of each show. Any Mod Squaders out there who remember that?
I feel like I guzzled a pitcher of fresh lime Magaritas due to the camera dance tho'. Ever hear of a 'Steady Cam' Claud to avoid viewer head spin leading to stumbling out of the theatre ;-D
Sorry about the ah...unsteadiness, there. I really think her cuteness makes up for it, though. Does anyone like my house?
Ha. Ha.
love c
mom i hate you!!
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