Jed Jaworski is bummed that he missed the reunion(we couldn't find him, ) but he'll be in Shorewood Saturday,
December 22nd for an SHS mini-reunion get-together at Kathy Nelsen's house.
Whoever happens to be in town, you're invited!
OPEN HOUSE from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. Come as you are.
R.S.V.P.: Kathy's email address is: plora at earthlink.net
December 22nd for an SHS mini-reunion get-together at Kathy Nelsen's house.

OPEN HOUSE from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. Come as you are.
R.S.V.P.: Kathy's email address is: plora at earthlink.net
JED!!!! So sorry we missed you. I tried to get you at some maritime (sp?) address last spring but no answer.
Have a great time at Kathy's. Our class is so cool you can't believe it.
Anita, I love this picture of both of you!
Wow. Is that you? Or a young Meryl Streep?
Now I know why I was so attracted to you. I'm too bashful to be anything but anonymous.
Hi Claudia,
Thank you for your efforts to contact me, I appreciate it; really been great to hear from you and so many others. My professional address has changed from time to time during the “Bush years”, as my work in the non-profit sector now takes me from museum to museum and project to project. Though I travel with my work, my primary residence remains in northwest Michigan. I have a home along the coast just west of Traverse City, where I am fortunate to have the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore and Manitou Islands for a back yard. A few old Shorewood friends said hello after seeing me in an episode of “Deep Sea Detectives” aired on the History Channel not to long ago, other than that, I have really been out of the SHS loop since the 70’s.
Since hearing that you had put out an “APB” on the missing “slackers”, I was able to find your class blog. It has been great discovering what everyone has been doing with their lives and learning all that has and hasn’t changed. I was quite saddened to hear of those classmates no longer with us, especially Gary and Cinthia, both of whom I shared a connection with during our school years.
Well, it will undoubtedly be a blast getting together on the 22nd. I will try and bring some photos from our “institutional living” days at SHS. I am thinking that somewhere I may still have photos or negatives from the SHS camera club days that were Ripples and Copperdome runner-ups/rejects. If I can find the images prior to leaving for Wisconsin, I will bring them along and/or get them posted here. Looking forward to being in touch...
Hello Jed:
Sounds like you live in paradise.
Good for you.
Which non-profits employ you?
What do you do for museums?
Do you remember we were in Cub Scouts together? That was almost 40 years ago!
What's your email #?
Regards, Daniel Edelstein
Novato, CA (Bay Area)
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for saying hello. From the info gleaned in the Memories/bio book Anita shared with me, looks like you have a good thing going. I am beginning to appreciate the idea of your climate, now that yet another Michigan winter has set in early.
A sound like we could have fun exchanging Bush bumper stickers or sharing a night on the town, swing is favorite dance music here as well.
Your career sounds plenty interesting. What type of writing are you doing? Do you work private sector or for the state or feds? Right now I am bouncing between all three. My last staff position was Curator with the Michigan Maritime Museum. Other than the usual collections/exhibit work, I helped to research and design the interior of an 1810 replica sloop called the Friends Good Will. The 1.3 million dollar boat takes school groups and families on educational sailing trips out of South Haven, Mi. Involved with some underwater archeology projects right now.
If you would like, feel free to write me at waterborneproject at yahoo dot com, it would be fun to catch up and share a few photos. Best wishes for the New Year.
Regards, Jed
I cannot handle being so far away with all this KoOL Connecting going on!
Jed J.!
My fiance', Rocky L. was F.B.i. 4 many many years & will soon retire from running his P.I. firm (2 much travel from his crazy Italian fiancee'....ME! ;-)
My father in Italy built oil tankers all over the world & was in the Italian Navy as a young man - I have his memorabilia (any interest 4 the USA museum??)
ANywAY, please check out my page at: www.myspace.com/susiecatfantuzzi
& try 2 B in Milw. July 22th, 2008 as I will be there with Rocky when he lectures the with the F.B.i. on 'Intellectual Property Protection/Theft' happening 1 year from our ReU July 2007!
Life is weird.
Best wishes & let me know if the Italian Navy relics R of any interest there.
Hi Jed, great to see you here. I love all the great Holiday greetings I have received from so many of you. I will now try and get one of my children to help me post our Christmas card. It's that great time of finals before the winter break and they just don't seem to understand that getting this picture up is much more important than their studies...go figure!
Hopefully tomorrow and if I fail for some reason and I better not, I have one great wish that for all of you 2008 will be your best year ever!
Jed Jaworski !! I owe you a big favor by talking me into that Coast Guard thing. I ended up loving it so much that I did 24 years and retired from there in 2001. Do you remember the days with Kurt Hahn, Kurt Koberstein, and the crazy times !! Please drop me a line when you can. My email address is daveplus5@cox.net I would love to hear what you have been up to.
Dave Klumb
U Rock Girlie Girl!
Bcause of U (& 4 me ANita 2) ALL OF THIS IS POSSIBLE!
Happy Happy New Year
Happy Kwanzaa!
Happy Hanukkah!
Merry Christmas!
Happy Happy Happy, Tutti
Happy New Year 2008
The Year of Great Dates!
I almost 4got 2 tell U....
I just "sold" a show 2 Big Time T.V. Moguls & if U wanna know the details, U gotta Private email me as I cannot post them here since we R negotiating BIG $$ at this time.
Guess that Laurel really knows her stuff...."2008 will be your best year ever"
Right On!
Daniel, Dave, Laurel, Susie... thanks all for checking in and saying hello. Wish everyone could be "home to Shorewood" for the holiday, like in the late 70's before we took to the wind. My brother lives in Whitefish Bay, so I am in town at least three times a year and then occasionally more often on business. Will be hitting the road tomorrow (Friday) afternoon for Chicago and then driving up to Kathy's from there on Saturday morning. Looking forward to seeing whoever can make it. Safe travels to everyone and best wishes for the holidays.
Peace & balance,
Susie I really like the "no-boozy" thing. Too clever! I'm in a hotel on my way to Chicago (still!) and woke up WAY too early so I have a minute to dink around on the computer here while the family snoozes. Have a great holiday!
And Jed I'll be in Chicago Friday night, too -- but just barely. We get in (if on time) a little after 8 and hit the ground running once there. Have so much fun at the Christmas reunion, Jed!
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
U guys R FREEZING Ur Butts OFF!
U guys R FREEZING Ur Butts OFF!
U guys R FREEZING Ur Butts OFF!
U guys R FREEZING Ur Butts OFF!
Happy Happy HolidayZ
U Silly KidZ!
I'm kinda envious tho'
just a teeny weenie bitty bit....
Note it was negative 37 degrees F in Fairbanks, AK on Thursday.
Does that make you Midwestern Slackers feel any better?
Wow, brutal honest from Suzie No Boozie:
U guys R FREEZING Ur Butts OFF!
U guys R FREEZING Ur Butts OFF!
U guys R FREEZING Ur Butts OFF!
U guys R FREEZING Ur Butts OFF!
But WI is so pretty and wonderful during the other three seasons that you forget about winter!
Besides, Suzie No Boozie, how do you survive the FL summers?!
I am (mentally & emotionally & at times) NOT PHYSICALLY in F.L.A. 4 as much of the BRUTAL HEAT of summer here as I can possibly escape.
It sux, no other way of putting it.
But the crime in L.A. sux worse, the 'scitos of Milwaukee's summers R no frickin' picnic & Life in general is H.E.double toothpicks so what R ya gonna do?
Go fishing!
I catch Big Ass Grouper here in the summer & play with buckets of SeaHorses & sweat my butt off & complain like everyone else here does.
If Bob H. was in Milwaukee to provide the same hotel housing he so kindly provided me 4 the ReU, U bet Ur a_ _ I'd B up there RIGHT NOW!
Just 4 like, a week or so but still, I'd B there NOT HERE!
No family there so no FREE R&B & my $$ goes 2 my kidZ charity so no extra 4 me 2 do other than fly.
That way, gives the Givers a chance 2 ..... GIVE!
PS It's 77 degrees, we have a REAL TREE at my house & I think I'll walk the beach 2morrow on the sugar sand staring at the leaping dolphin at my friend, Bob S.'s home on Sanibel.
What winter wonderland now big foot?
If U wanna C something funny, it's me in a Catholic Wedding dress (Up only of course!).
I am Sooooo Not! the marrying kind.
How the heck am I supposed 2 tell Rocky that?
I'll try sending the goofy pic 2 Anita (who knows how 2 use the techology as does Claudia & all others but ME! & apparently, Laurel but that doesn't count cuz she has kidz 2 do her "dirty work' 4 her.......
The dress is a GW special at $39.99
so I might buy it just on principle.
Obviously it's time 4 cocktails...
Oh! I'm at the library & it's only 11:00am est (L.A.'s not even UP yet!!) so I guess THAT'S OUT OF THE ? now.....
Where's the Schnapps?
At Jed Jaworski's place I bet.
Ya think?
Wake up U lazy bastards & answer me as I only have another 11 minutes 2 play on my PC here at the library B4 MOnday.
I must buy a cell phone that allows me net access from the casa.
MayB Rock will get that as my Christmas gift tho' he claims he bought me something in Greece in November while he was there doing 'I spy' work.....
A year supply of Baklava?
A giant Flokati 2 replace the 1 my cat peed all over when I was in Greece in '84?
I hope it's a cookbook as there is this AMAZING pastry called 'Diples'
pronounced 'ThipLess' that is VERY delicate & impossible 2 find here - it is on the east coast of FLA where I will move in April 2008 near West Palm.
ANyWay, til Rock returns I only have coal in my stocking but that's O.K. as I have everything I need .... except the recipe 4 Diples.
Someone of US should B holding....
Who's Greek?
Well I sure hope Jed and everyone had a good time at Kathy's! Wish I could have made it but Hubby came home from the Hospital that day.
His replacement surgery for his shoulder was long but went well. So I would love to hear how the get together was and who all showed up. And though it may be freezing right now, when I look out the window and see this wonderful winter wonderland, I would not want it any other way.
Ho Ho Ho!
Hi, Martine! Yes, we had fun; started a little earlier than scheduled and ran a little bit later. It was amazing to see Jed after 3 decades! I hadn't realized that he had walked out of Geiken's office senior year in a huff, and left SHS without graduating! I'll make a new post with a pic...
Susie-- I've posted the wedding dress picture you sent for all to see....
Wow, Jed:
Good for you, as I had no idea you walked the plank in Geiken's office.
I woulda coulda shoulda done that to my thesis committee! -- but, alas, coward me let my dignity lose out to get an M.S.
Belated Merry Christmas everyone, just checked in after all the guests left the house...Jed, it's great to see you, and I don't remember either that you walked Geiken's plank. But I think most of us had no idea of most of what was going on around the building. Glad you've found us, your work sounds so great.
Happy that finals/college applications are over, look forward to catching up with all of you as soon as we all are able.
That wedding dress photo may just B the ONLY 1 of its kind ever seen again as I am TRULY NOT THE MARRYING KIND no matter how Remarkable Rocky is.
I say we just 'Shack Up' but he's pushing 4 papers on me.
I missed U 4 Christmas 2007 but PLEASE! remember I will B in Milwaukee with Rocky July 20, 2008 4 the F.B.I. Intellectual Property Theft lecture so let's PLEASE try 2put 2gether a Group Hook Up then......
I wonder if Jed2008 is freaking out Bcause my little wedding girlie image is near his head like some Charlie Brown mental image thought.
He may B picturing me in '74 as a SHS Slacker & in his head thinking, "Y am I imagining Susie Fantuzzi as an old lady in 2009 in a WHITE wedding dress?"
I dont think he is the only one of us freaking out right now....
I would definately agree with that statement!
Just like SHS & SiS all over again only we R OLD! Women, not mean tongued little B's so try I.D.ing Urselves when Ur gonna act like what U R & always were & always will B ..........
Hissssssss back at U!
Susie CAT.herine Fantuzzi
What A FABULOUS New Year's Eve 2008 it was in NYC last nite with my music FRIENDS!
Oh yeah........
There's NO SUCH WORD AS "definately"
stupid B, it's spelled "definitely"
Go back to SiS where U BELONG!
Well, ALMOST every1.
Well, ALMOST every1.
See all the cute pet vids & the Deal Or NO DEAL vid & if U wish 2 receive a copy of the application & instructions 2 B on the show, private email me.
Happy Happy 2008
The Year of GR8 Dates
Anita really does look like a prettier version of Streep.
Her features are less harsh than Meryl's & we know her so she's even hotter cuz we like her.
I wonder what it was like to be so popular in high school?
Can't go there but how nice to be someone everyone liked/likes.
U guys better return to Milwaukee in July 2008 when I'm there playing F.B.I. fiancee.
I was in love with Ephraim Zimbalist Junior of the TV show F.B.I. Did anyone else ever watch that or 77 SUnSEt Strip??
Damn, I am OLD!
I'm moving to the San Diego/
La Jolla area in April or May 2009 .... Hurray! ;-D
wow here you guys are
If this get's through,hello to everyone in your class,since I can not find anyone in mine.I remember Jed,and all of you quite well.G.Lawson is a pastor on 15 and lincoln,who would have imagined.Lumpy at,zazamanza@mchsi.com
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