OK ladies, check out this Brownie Troop Fly Up Day photo from 1967! Remember crossing the bridge and looking at your reflection in the "water" (a mirror)? And how about those huge paper flowers we made and held in this pic?

It appears aged photos are enjoying a rerun, so here's even more of a brain teaser, Mrs. Jensen's A.M. (Junior) Kindergarten class from 1962-1963 ... and Senior Kindergarten thru 3rd grade below - while we were still so cute - with those bow ties, cardigans, special dresses, shiny shoes and most often parent-styled hairdo's!
I know these photos are likely to bore those who didn't attend Lake Bluff - sorry! I was
having so much fun with scanning at Kinkos that I ending up putting all my class pics onto a CD, so here is 3rd thru 6th grade and more classmates to identify. You all enjoy and be sure to
have a good weekend. Beth H.
Great pictures. Needn't have gone to Atwater or Lake Bluff to appreciate these gems! Anybody have any St. Bob's pics. I think my mom still has mine in a family album (that I might have to confiscate).
OH MY OH MY, you should have put them up one at a time, they are AMAZING. Even Atwater alumni will love these..............
I see Greta in almost all of them with Beth H. WOW. I am impressed that you have them all Beth. Love the fish net stockings.
Check out FIFTH GRADE, I am convinced that poor teacher looks like she is medicated!!!!
Is that kid on the left end wearing a gold "Naru" collared jacket. So many faces that I recognise. Gonna take time to look at them all separately.
I nomiate Beth H to pull together a Bulletin Board Display of all these group photos, so that we can look at them close up at the reunion.
All those in Favor say "I".
I hear no opposition.
Beth these are so incredible I don't know where to start!
LISA WHITTET and DEBBIE ZARNE as Brownies!! That whole picture -- my mouth is just hanging open. Too amazing. Lisa Whittet was CONSTANTLY calling me on my sh*t at SIS. I just loved her.
And these other pics -- my boyfriend Tim Casey -- wasn't he so handsome? And Al Lindberg -- the boy who never loved me back! Sniff!
I never realized how long you-all have known eachother. It's so cool, really.
STill on FIFTH GRADE - Teach still looks medicated.
Check out DeDe Seidels "Dressed for success" Business Suit. And Naomi Shats's plastic Vinyl Brown Dress!
Oh my gosh, I have not even looked at the rest of them yet.
Re: 6th grade pic-
Many "Ernie Douglas" lookalikes, but who, pray tell, is the Brad Pitt lookalike next to Jim Loots? First row, first seat on the left, in the olive colored sweater vest? Handsome devil he is!!!!!
Ernie Douglas! Pretty funny, Deb.
And I believe that's John Lewis. He was in my 7th Grade Art class with Miss Aberwithers? Anastottle? Arbinstater? Whoever she was, she was very hip. As was John -- wearer of very hip clothes, as I recall.
Beth, these Pics are sooo adorable.
Anita & I were on the phone earlier going through them. Thank god she has a better memory. I keep going back and forth looking at them with a dropped jaw. Thanks Beth! :)
John Lewis??? He must have not made it to SIS?? I would have remembered him, what a cutie!!! Did you Lake Bluffers scare the poor guy away, or what???
Yeah Anita, you have got a fabulous memory for faces that is for sure.
Is it my imagination or has Lori Brandt, Lisa Whittit and Lori Hoober not changed one bit through the years, they look EXACTLY the same from Brownies on.....
Who is the blond kid left of Beth H in Brownies??? ANITA?
Deb, Deb, Deb...
Don't you recognize our committee member, Greta??!!
and Thalia Pulver directly below Greta
I hope you're printing up little labels with all the names for each of these pictures to display on bulletin boards at the reunion....
I think Dave Meyer appears in 3. What a cutie! Thanks Beth. I was missing fifth grade.
That fifth grade is neat! Gary, the sweet farmboy right in the middle!
Cindy, Beth-- does someone know who is the redhead in the back row next to Greta??
No I did not know that was Greta in Brownies.......thanks Anita, and I do love the string idea for display........
Yeah, who's the kid with the Gold jacket in fifth grade, I asked previously, no one seems to know? By the way that 5th teacher STILL looks medicated.
WHo is the boy, in sixth grade, right next to the Mr. Teacher. He has the same expression and look in 5th grade? Like "Photo ShoP" doubled him?
You are all SO cute! It's amazing how many of you look like I remember you from later years.
Thanks for posting the pictures, Beth!
I LOVE the glasses!
Anita, I think the redhead is Bridget Vineyard. I think the Gold Nehru is John Lewis. He is also in the front row of sixth nest to Jim Loots.
Hey All!
Matt Rossi and the Idtarod are off!
He is wearing bib #52.
I'm still alive.....I think. This has been the most stressful week! Love all the pictures, this is the best blog!
Had water running down my walls last night, destroyed a desk and the wallpaper. Having a nervous breakdown, but always have a smile when I read your comments.
Will be back later.
xoxo L
Just checked my e-mail and Chris Shumacher is trying to get in touch, if any of you are part of the classmates thing, would you direct her here please, thanks!
I keep getting these messages to join, but I'm not really interested.
Chris married Harry Cheever and had something like 8 kids! Her mother still hates me for setting the two of them up on a date.
Laurel, I emailed Chris via classmates and directed her to the blog. How's the house thing going?
Peggy, do you have Chris's e-mail address?
I would rather not talk about the house thing right now!
Check your email - I sent some info on Chris.
As far as the house thing - check into a hotel and have someone call you when it's done. I have not moved since I was 6 yrs old so I can only imagine.
Beth Gernetske (sp?) is trying to blog but having problems - hopefully we'll see her on here soon.
Is that Monette or Monica Geist in the Fifth Grade picture?
Answers, I had Monette in my fifthe grade it Ms Janisewski who got married. I was with Anne Devitt etc. I have all these pictures and loved my NARU dress I wore. How bout Pam Zuker holding the sign in sixth grade. Now I have to go dig in the closet!
oops, not Pam, Jill Salinski
Good to hear from you D2 D'Amato...(!)
.....Pam Zucker holding the sign?
Hmmmm..........I thought the sign holder looks like Jill Salinski (?)
Daniel, who is taking Un-CutePills as the antidote to TooCute-Itis that struck me while looking at these photos (!)
Where wuz dunce-cap-me, you may wonder? Prob off at Hebrew School early memorizing my Bar Mitzvah schpeel(?) (!)
Welcome 2D D.
Did you get your invite, thus finding out about this blog, or did someone clue you in?
Love you in the Brownie picture.
actually I was cleaning my room and found the paper I had written on when Story found me.
How do I enter an e-mail etc. I'm and AIM person not usually a blogger?
Saw Jimmy Arkins in the Kindy photo lol good times were had.
Hi DD,
If you E-mail Claudia she will be happy to put up your E-mail address with the others. Nice to see you on board :)
Cindy Ludin alerted me to the fact that Beth Hoffman had dug out and posted the Lake Bluff pictures. Those were fun to look at, thanks Beth! Lots of fond memories of kids that moved away during the early years as well as those of us that stuck around through '76.
Dave M
Anita .. that redhead next to Greta in Fifth grade is Brigette Sison, I believe. Yeah, that class was fun and we all were invited to Miss Janiszewski's October wedding at St. Hedwigs on Humboldt and Brady - I thought she was such a pretty bride!
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