Have you recently come across a piece of SHS memorabilia that you'd like to donate to a new home? Are you a creative soul who would like to share your craft with others? Or, do you have something of interest that others might find useful or enjoy having? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then we would like to talk to you! How was that for a sales pitch?!
We are seeking donations for the SHS 31st Reunion Silent Auction to be held Saturday evening during the reunion. Donations can include SHS memorabilia, handcrafted items, items from your business, or put your creativity to work and come up with something fun or unique. All proceeds go to the SHS Class of '76 Scholarship Fund.
Please contact Jodie, Patti, Martine, or Thalia if you'd like to make a donation or if you have additional questions.
Becky (Willis)Cram
Hi, Becky! Well, are you going to say something?
Well I'll say something while we're waiting (HI BECKY!!!)...I just have to say that hat is the cutest darn thing I ever did see. Oh my gosh, what a great picture!! Who put that up?
Now that I've duplicated that post on the other blog, do I repeat the response to the same question?
(That's a rhetorical question...)
'Twas I.
My dink; my pic!
Twernt me! I never had a dink.
Why did people have dinks anyway? I can't remember - sad.
I remember something about donning dinks and throwing them up in the air, but I, alas, and as I think I mentioned earlier, did not own a dink.
Like you guys did.
They were all "tiddley dinks" so never you mind. (that's why they're so small). I must admit they are cute- aren't they!
Okay, Claudia, you graduated-- you're on the program-- did you wear the costume?? Every senior that was there got a dink, and at the end they said, "don your dinks!"
Now, if you tossed it, and didn't retrieve it, that would explain not having it anymore...
Mine somehow ended up in a plastic storage container-- well preserved.
Accusing me of non-retrieval -- is that your little plan?
Cute. Real cute.
Yup, it's getting late, isn't it?
Ok People. This is the story of the "Dink", Only Seniors were privi to them. I actually know a girl that used her boyfriends dink from the prior year, and altered it with her sewing machine so it would fit her!!!!!! (She saved the $2.50)
At the Assembly for Homecoming, in the Auditorium, and after the skits and the reading of the "whatever" by the "Mooneyes Couple", (Cary Herron and Bruce Friederick), All Seniors were asked to stand, and "Don your Dinks". Don't ask me how I remember that, when I cannot remember where I put my car keys. They CAN'T possibly still do that silly tradition do they??????
I don't think so.
And they would cost more than $2.50.
Any Shorewood parents out there?
Hmmm.. I know my sister had two kids who graduated from Shorewood and still has one that goes there. And they have never mentioned the dink thing. I will ask Monette about it on Monday, next week.
I still have mine stored in my graduation box. The lid of the box is probably thick with dust by now! I remember that I wrapped the lid with my senior portrait I drew of myself, from that special graduation project that Monette and I did of drawing all our classmates.
(sits straight up in chair, opens eyes)
WHAT?!! You did a drawing of all your classmates???
Yes we did claud! If I remember right we did one of you too. Do you remember that we had them up in the autourium <- (sp?)on the walls on the day we graduated! We even had a little clip in a newspaper about it. We said that after the graduation all our fellow students could take their's home with them.
Oh we drew them from the senior pictures that is from the yearbook.
Just click on my name above and you will see the article that talked about the drawings.
This is quite something, Monica. Thank you.
You're welcome!
I might just donate an artwork for the silent auction. I am a busy artist and I have quiet a backlog of artwork to finish at the present time, but I will see what I can do.
Would you like that?
Way too cool!!!!!!!!!!!
I will try to think of something special to draw.
*cracks artistic knuckles* hehe
Hi Monica and Welcome! I just got done visiting your Site, how wonderful. And the Shorewood Article was so nice to read.
How very nice of you to to start cracking your knuckles. Just don't break them, we need your Contribution for the Auction. lol :)
Hey Martine! How are you? And thanks for what you said about my site. I thought that article would be interesting to read for everybody. It sure brings back the memories from that day.
LOL Don't worry my knuckles won't break. They are strong from all the drawing over the years.
*twirls my art pencils through my fingers* <--that's better to say! lol
Monica, your website was so very interesting, I too have twins, though not identical. How lucky for you to share that intimacy with your sister. Never thought I would have twins! It's magical!!!
When the load is lifted, I would love to have one done of my 3 children.
I'm ashamed to say I don't remember all your work you did on our graduations, do you still have the pieces?
So glad to hear from you, Laurel
Hi Monica,
I am so glad you are blogging! Remember how I could never tell you and your sister apart? I stopped trying after a while. Which one of you was in my homeroom? I faintly remember the portraits - I think you gave me mine. Now I must remember (ha!) where in the hell I put it. I do recall you were (and still are - I'm sure) a very talented artist. It's all coming back to me now...
Did you ever get my Classmates email?
P.S. I really want a dink!! If one is donated for the auction I will pay good $ for it.
What web site are we talking about? Did I miss something?
That's Monica's website! It's on the post with the list of websites!
AND, if you scroll up here, where her name is highlighted, that will take you to an article about our graduation!
Hi Monica--
I'm ashamed to say I don't even remember the portraits! My loss...
I did graduate early, so maybe I was just out of the loop. Then again, I was "out of the loop" for most of my high school career.
It was really interesting to read that article about our commencement. I WAS there, but have no memory of Mike Messner recovering from a GUN SHOT WOUND! Did you all know that?
Yes, I remember that, he was working at a Pizza Place in downtown Milw. Attempted robbery I believe.??? But forgot until you mentioned it.
Hey Laurel! Twins can be work but when they grow up it is nice. I am glad that you enjoyed my site. I haven't updated it in awhile, but someday soon I will. hehe And I would be honored to do a portrait of your children. And actually we don't have the portraits. Everyone was suppose to take their's after the graduation. LOL
To bad there wasn't a picture of all the portraits hanging on the walls! Hmmm... on second thought, maybe my grandmother took a picture of it. I should go through all of our family pics and see it I can find one.
Hey Peggy! I never received the classmate email. And yes I do remember you trying to tell us apart. Now it is easier. Monette is a few pounds heavier then me and my hair is super long. It reaches my butt! Monette's hair is to the middle of her back.
Hey Rebecca! I wonder if your portrait was taken by the women in the office. They said several were left that day and they took them and hung them up there. lol
I am glad everyone enjoyed that article. It is one of my keepsakes from high school. :o)
It feels good to be here in this blog. Nice to catch up with everyone!
Love always,
Monica! Great to here from you & what an incredible memory of our commencement. I loved that article & I do recall the gunshot wound incident. I must admit I don't recall the portraits, sorry,but I think I was in too much of a hurry to get out of highschool. I had enough at that point in time.Again it's great to have new people on the blog- let's here from the rest of you - where ever you are.
Hi Gretra!
Thanks and it is nice to be here! Glad you enjoyed the article. It's okay that people don't remember the portraits. I guess it is my nice memory of my high school days. hehe I too wanted out of high school so bad. LOL
Oh and we also had an article written about us in the Shorewood Ripples newspaper back then, about drawing the senior portraits.
Just click on my name again to see the article.
Oops I spelled your name wrong Greta. Sorry about that!
I seem to remember something about portraits but I don't have mine. Like Claudia, I was to much in a hurry to leave. Thanks, Monica. Hi to all! you are doing a good thing here. Maybe more will check in
Cindy it's great to see you here!
Why were we all in such a hurry to leave school?
I know I was also one of those people, maybe we can teach our children by listening to us, don't be in such a rush, the world is waiting for us, not the other way around.
Enough great advice from lala land, off to hear the pouring rain, it has finally arrived!
I thought that this article, from the Shorewood Ripples newspaper (1976), would be interesting for everyone to read!
Once again just click my name above to read it!
Monica, just read the article, it was great. Now that I have matured, can really appreciate your art and all that you did for us, I thank you very much! What a talent you and your sister have!
Awww... thanks Laurel. I remember talking with you at the last reunion and I can't wait to see you again!
{{{{Laurel}}}}<--hugs tightly!
Hi Cindy!!! Hey, did I miss it, or did you tell us where you are and what you're up to yet??? I have no idea where you are writing from.
I am in Madison, WI. Have been here since 1981, minus 2 years in Jefferson, WI. I have 2 sons, 20 and 22. I was in the Army (Alabama, Texas, South Korea). I managed Jo_ann Fabrics for 5 years and Gloria Jeans for 2. I now manage housekeeping staff and maintenance for approx 800 apartments in Madison and Middleton.
I saw Bill Taylor at his dad's funeral in August 05. E-mailed Dave Meyer, we were neighbors for 5 years and didn't know it. Terri Niemczyk is in Monona. Spoke with her on the phone. Maybe she will log on? Haven't heard from Lynn Moffatt in 25 years. Last I knew she was in Peshtigo.
You guys, I just have to say it's so nice that you have saved articles and pictures from those long ago years, since I don't have any. I don't even have a yearbook any more.
Thank you!
Hey Cindy! It's so nice to "see your message "& here what you've been doing all these years. How was it that Dave was your neighbor that long & you didn't know it!? Wow! Hope you can make it to the reunion ( you're so close!) Love short red !
Greta, You remembered, from Lake Bluff. I was talking to Lynn Moffatt about that very thing earlier today. Re: Dave - He thought he knew me, I thought I knew him. Couldn't place it. Never asked. He was just as surprised as I when I told him.
Isn't it amazing when something like that happens.
I've never left Milw.& I've worked at St. Mary's Hosp. for over 26 yrs.
What has really suprised me is the number of times I've gotten on the public elevator & someone I don't recognize remembers me from Shorewood HS.
I'm always too embarrased to ask their name because they're total strangers to me & I'm in the presence of other total strangers-in an elevator no less! ( You know how it is when you don't recognize someone when you're in unfamiliar surroundings)I usually ask what class or year they graduated & many have been older or younger.
That "freaks me out" even more! Sometimes I think I know them & sometimes I know I don't ( but they seem to know me). Well I haven't changed my looks-thats probably why. L Greta
P.S. Tell Lynn to get onboard we need more comments!
Who is
"Short Red" by proper and specific name so we all know, please?
"Short Red" is Greta! In 1966 at Lake Bluff She wore a red dress and had her hair cut, short, for the class picture. Greta Longreen became Greta Short Red. I do have that picture.
...sounds like you may need to post that
Cindy let it fly ! You certainly have my permission! All My Love ! G
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