Then I had to post 5 things about MYself that were interesting or unique. I did it fast, without thinking, and here's what I posted on her blog:
1. I lived in Chatham, England for one year, in 1968. I went to a real, old-fashioned public school there with a headmaster who wore a black robe and we had church every morning. It was fantastic.
2. I worked for Larry’s Flying Service in Galena, AK for almost a year. The town was so small that people passengers would call me at work at ask me what time their plane was leaving without telling me their name or where they were going. I was expected to answer. It was the greatest job I’ve ever had.
3. I was a panhandler in San Francisco for about a month when I was 28 years old. I was working for Charles Schwab and hadn’t had a drink in about 4 years, I guess, when one day I decided to have a beer after work with friends. Unfortunatley, alcoholism does not just go away with time, and I was on the street within about a month. That was an interesting job too (panhandling, I mean — one time I got a 20 dollar bill, it’s amazing what people will give you! It makes me sad to remember it, though. I was pretty sick.)
4. I think I’ve probaby read Salem’s Lot over 200 times. And I think that’s a conservative estimate.
5. I love toast with peanut butter and a fried egg on top. I cannot understand why everyone else in the world does not love this, too.
Okay, so that's how it works. You guys want to play?
Only time will tell, but I think I'm going to make one change to the game: I TAG EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO PLAY!! Post your responses here!
Well, Claudia, I'm sure Dan Berghaus could come up with something-- we know he's got several interesting teacher experiences. Dan?
I'm still thinking. But the PB-egg combo sounds great-- I'd add a slice of fresh cucumber. That reminds me of a Thai dish that I crave.
Thanks for leaving a comment, Anita!! Man, I thought this was so easy and fun but it looks like a real fizzle. I'll take it down later tonight if no one wants to play...sniff, snuffle, snorf!!
mmmm Chicken Satay and Salad Kwek with egg sounds really good right about now. Not so sure about that peanut butter and egg sandwich though. Sorry Claud, but I think I'll be dining with Anita tonight.
During dinner I'll try to convince her to reveal five unknown facts about herself to this blog. I've been running my trap non stop since I got here and need to take a breather.
Besides I think people are more interested in hearing Anita's secrets. I know I am!
ooh--I don't know if it'd be interesting-- but don't give up on it yet
Yes, when I saw the first comment, I bet it would be Dan, not Anita!
I live on the Internet; I have no secrets!
Hey Claudia,
Hit me...hit me!!!!
1. My three kids were each born in a different state - Alaska, Washington, Minnesota. I've been drinking heavily ever since.
2. My wife and I have been married for 25 years...and they said it would never last! Actually, I said it and I've been drinking heavily ever since our wedding.
3. I walked down to the Phantom Ranch, Grand Canyon, and back out in the same day - against all "common sense" (which is neither!). I've been drinking ever since that day I almost died!
4. I've had the opportunity to visit 37 States of our great 50 or whatever we got now. I drank heavily in every one of them.
Now that I know where half of you live - maybe I'll drop by sometime for dinner. Maybe we can have a toast with our favorite beverages!
5. I don't think I have a drinking problem!
I like this game - I can drink while I'm playing!
Joan-- if you can hear me over all that racket in the previous comment-- tell us about your history. When did you begin living on the internet?
And I thought Mitch was hilarious, but then Anita comes along! Man you guys are FUNNY!
And thank you, Mitch, for playing (dries eyes). There seems to be some misunderstanding among our peers about just how "interesting" this has to be...certainly not as interesting as a secret. It's just -- you know -- something about you that may not be true for everyone else. Like Mitch and his 3 kids. And how he, like, doesn't have a drinking problem. Stuff like that!
Mitch, I'm in MN tonight. Better watch it bud!
Claudia, I like the way you speak about yourself,it's so honest and refreshing.
p.s. remember, I live in the Hollywood area, truth
is unusual!
Thanks Laurel, you're a peach. And I didn't know the truth was unusual in Hollywood! I must visit that land some day. I haven't been there since the 80's. It was fun, then. I was young!
p.s. so young! know what I mean?
fake tans, fake breasts, half-caf lattes-- is it like down&out in LA?? Laurel, aren't you going to invite us out there? How about a reunion party at Laurel's
Hey Claudia,
Don't cry...I'll play with you.
Here goes...
I always wanted a pair of white go-go boots but my mom never got bought me any (even though I knew she could afford them). I may need some therapy for this one.
Harper and Sydney (a.k.a. Syd Vicious) are the most important things in my life - which is so not about me anymore.
I cry at Kodak commercials, sad stories and movies with unhappy endings. I am a really big sap.
I consider Jimmy Carter to be one of the greatest men of my lifetime. I have read all of his books.
I think everything happens for a reason and I live my life with few regrets.
I loved your idea, since its gets people to provide tidbits about themselves since high school. I bet you have a led a more colorful life than most and I really appreciate you sharing some personal information, especially the bit about the peanut butter and fried egg (who would have suspected!) I am thinking people might be a little challenged to come up with 5 items worthy to post. However, I will give it some thought and try to respond.
Peggy, Jimmy Carter IS one of the greatest people ever to live. That is just a pure plain fact!
And Jim and Peggy, Mitch, Joan, Laurel, Anita, Dan and Dave:
Thank you...thank you ALL!! (honk!)
Oh great. The conversation changes to breasts and lattes and I look like the idiot that is playing a game that no one wants to play anymore. I'm a day latte (spelling error intentional) and a dollar short. You can add that to my list of 5 things.
It would be much easier for me to have the reunion at my house! I don't think that would go over very well, but it's always a consideration!
Who wrote that?
The Tag Game: Yes.....Below......
Yes, Laurel: Count me in for the BYO at your house.....Bring Your Own....err....Bring Your Own Copperdome Yearbook. We'll all exchange them and autograph them again just like in June, '76 on that hot, muggy, graduation night where my Mortarboard kept slipping off my naive head.
As for the Reunion West at your abode:
Pick a date.....I'll only be coming from the close-by Bay Area, so no prob: A skip and a jump on SW Air......
So what are you doin' in Hollywood anyway? Do you have a star in the sidewalk there, yet?
By the way, I can think of three items to play tag with, per Claudia's Challenge:
1. I've moved across the country to CA twice in the last ten years and each time it was back to Marin County.....the last time being six years ago after my wife and I spent four years of the Clinton Era in Maryland near DC when she was at NIH.
The second time we DROVE all the way back to N. CA because my wife did NOT want our pooch's ears to be subject to 40,000 foot altitude in the Friendly Skies. So we ended up finding pet-friendly motel rooms.....and getting too many take-out meals to last a lifetime .....and then having fun in a bloody snowstorm in Wyoming where the motel was our forced companion for a couple of days.
2. I have left WI (but I still pay property taxes there up the wazoo........and I am glad to do so......) -- as I am flattered to be the recent buyer of some forest land in n. WI that is next to a wonderful freshwater lake and also close to a long beach on Lake Michigan.
3. I hoot owls in my backyard at night! -- and they sometimes hoot back with a volley or two despite my lousy renditions and gutteral-challenged performances.
Okay, my turn. But Anita Repins and Joan Walsh, this means you guys better play too! Oh yeah, and I am sure Laurel and Jane both have some items that would make our eyes widen and our jaws drop, so get typing already!
Anyway, for better, or worse, here goes:
1. Stevie Wonder and I used to trade Frank Sinatra bootleg recordings with each other.
2. I was supposed to be the Best Man at Rick Inman's wedding to Lori Riordon but I thought a request Lori made of me was stupid, and 25 years later we are still not speaking, and what had been a been a great friendship ended over something really silly.
I have since learned that an expectant bride is always right, no matter what!
3. I was the voice of Bear Mountain for a year (1979-1980). If you called looking for skiing conditions it was my voice you heard reporting them (the irony here is I am one of the all time worst skiers).
4. I am a Boxing fan (I know this is the most surprising of all) and even know a few ex champs.
5.I make a kick ass Sangria. Yes, Mitch, I'll leave the door open and the kitchen light on, just come in and help yourself!
You are so much fun Claudia, as you all are.
I'm feeling pressure, but here goes.
1. I am not a fan of New England, it is gorgeous here, but not a fan of the people, my best friends are those who live here but are not from here. (dirty politics too). But I have great personal stories Re: Ed Kennedy, Bill Clinton & John "do you know who I am" Kerry, which are too long to expound on.
2. I turned down a invite to go to Aerosmiths Christmas party in l983, because I was too busy working, (their managers office was in my office building). What the heck was I thinking, (I know, I was into my career back then)?? Also instead of receiving a UPS delivery to my boss, Dick Perry, I got Joe Perrys guitar instead. He came to get it from me, and I remember thinking he needed a hair cut????. Again, what was I thinking?
3. I married into a Portuguese family, and I chose NOT to learn the language incase they were talking about me, (which they were). (He is from the Azore Islands,) But Al and have been married 22 years and have two great boys, who cannot speak Portuguese either! Al is a much better cook than I, & has a work ethic second to NONE.
4. I have run into Prince Charles four times in my life? Twice at Harvard, (I took a grad class there), and twice while studying in London.
5. I miss the midwest: New England is over rated, & over priced, & have NO sense of humor. But I do have plenty of bird books, and use the binoculars out my back and see hawks, owls, & buzzards, (yes I live on Buzzards Bay). Unfortunatly see those damn coyotes too.
You guys certainly are one of the highlights of my day! It really is amazing to me that after 30 years we can come together at this blog site without pretense or judgement and just be the interesting, great people who we have evolved to be. This reunion is gonna rock!!
So, tag- I'm it!
1. I had a near death experience while hiking in the Swiss Alps in the late 70's. I refer to this story when giving my kids the "stupidity" speech.
2. While attending UW-Madison, I delivered singing telegrams dressed in a Gorilla Suit (Gertie Gorilla Grams). Made for some very interesting and humorous stories.
3. I love books, especially antique books. I have a collection of antique edition "classics" and I've actually read thru most of them.
4. My dying wish is to sing one gig with a rock and roll band. (I can still do a pretty mean air guitar and drum riff!)
5. I like to bird watch. (there I said it!). When I met my husband he was into ornithology. I thought he was pretty corny but after 23 years I have come to enjoy it as well. (Dan E-- sounds like you have some potential clients for a bird outing ).
How about a pre-reunion at Laurel's? Maybe in the dead of winter for those of us who still live in the frozen tundra.
Allright, Patti-- we better hear the stupidity speech....
Facinating...... gorilla suits, voiceovers, (Dan B you do have a great voice), and Dan E I hate the unfriendly skys too, (they are for birds),love road trips.
So Dan B, what was the request that you refused to honor at the wedding? I'm curious? Anything to do with attire?. AND where is Rick Inman anyway?
Lets have a bird watching event at the reunion.
Dan, no star yet, I'm still waiting! Right now my biggest project is remodeling my house that I have lived in for 21 years. I moved out in March and relocated about 10 min. away. They said it would be done in Nov., then dec., then Jan. and now Feb.!
You get the picture, why do I always believe them!
Looks like this reunion is going to have to be longer than 1 weekend. We're up to golf, bird watching, swapping parenting stories, dancing to 70's and 80's tunes-Go Go boots optional (and Peggy, I know exactly how you felt!), partying in Dave's basement for old times sake and imbibing in Dan's "kick-ass" sangria (will u share your recipe?).
Deb-are u serious about a bird watching event? Dan E. what do u think?
Hey Anita-I'll share that speech with you after one of Dan's sangrias. What was the Thai dish you were thinking of?
Claudia, I'm going to try your PB and egg concoction. It reminds me of when the two older kids were younger (around 5 and 6) and there was an article in the Journal about strange sandwhich ideas. My hope was to get the kids to try something different before they made judgement on how it looked or sounded. We made pb, salami and swiss cheese sandwiches. And.... it was actually good!!
Man, I gotta clear my head....
Have I got this straight?...
1. Dan E. can't count to five.
2. Deb R.: Wow, what restraint!!! In '83, the Toxic Twins were still pretty much into anything that caused an altered state! I'm proud of you...but, don't tell your kids, they'll think you're still so out of touch!
3. Patti B.R.: See...see what I mean! Hiking can kill you! Were you saved by one of those little knifes with a white cross on it? (I love the tweezers on those suckers!)
4. Dan B.: What tunes of The Chairman's specifically? Sangria?....hmmmmm....maybe a little before I do a Deb R. and ask ya about R.I.'s wedding!!!
5. Anita: Actually, I don't have a drinking problem as much as I have a substance abuse problem....Thanks to YOU!!!
You never let me drive you home alone after a party, and for that, I'll never forget you!!!
Hey Claudia...come here...give me a hug!
A bottle of a halfway decent Merlot
A little less than a half pint of good Rum
2 oranges
2 peaches
1 lemon
1 very generous cup of sugar
1. Pour the entire bottle of wine into a glass or ceramic pitcher
2. Add a splash of rum.
3. Squeeze the juice from one orange into the pitcher, cut the other orange into circular slices and add to the mixture.
4. Add another splash of Rum
5. Cut up the peaches and throw the pieces into the pitcher.
6. Time for another splash of Rum
7. Add the skin of the lemon to the mixture (try to avoid adding any of the actual meat of the lemon).
8. You are probably used to adding a splash of Rum by now, so as not to confuse you I suggest you do so again.
9. Add sugar
10. If you have any Rum left over just remember wastefullness is a sin and just do what you feel is right in your heart.
11. Stir and cover
12. Stick that baby in the fridge for at least 24 hours.
Serves: It serves you! If anyone else wants some tell em to make their own damn Sangria!
Oh yeah, nibbling on those little pieces of peach can be delicious, and intoxicating, so watch out! Like everything else in life I learned this the hard way. One Sunday morning I didn't think it would hurt to eat a few of the peach pieces right out of the pitcher. Half an hour later I was looped!
Hey Dan B,
YOWZAA...that's what I'm talking about...Eat a Peach!!!
OK MJB, I relent, give-in, and say "uncle" Here's two more, which makes five:
4. I secretely wish that I lived in n. MN like there's nothing finer than to be close to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area and the Quetico Wilderness Area. I have fine memories of my visit there, and I know you are close close close to those Heaven On Earth locales.
5. I vote for Claudia's sandwich (fetishes) to be the Main Course for the Reunion.
And, yes, I'm up to a mid-winter West Coast Pre-Reunion Reunion out here in CA. Everybody from The Tundra coming? It's at Laurel's?
If not there, you're welcome to come to our place 25 miles north of SF. Jacuzzi included. I'm serious.
In any event, it's fun reading everyone's accounts.......Has there been a decision yet on the date for the True 31st Reunion? July 21?
I would love to have a pre-reunion reunion at my house, I just need to get the damn thing done!
I don't enjoy this kind of thing, too many decisions to make, I will NEVER remodel again.
Mitch, the song that started it all was Isn't She Lovely. I was talking to Stevie's manager, who I was sort of friendly with at the time because I used to hook him up with lots of freebies at The Plaza, and just out of the blue I mentioned that I had an unreleased recording of Sinatra doing Stevie's song, and Brian (Stevie's manager) said "Holy shit! That's deep. You Have to tell Stevie. Sinatra is his God"
The next day I called Stevie and told him and he freaked out a little. he was like "where did you get this?' and I was like "iono Stevie, I got tons of this shit, unreleased studio sessions and concerts and stuff" and he was like "Me too, me too" so we started trading. Very, very fruitfull while it lasted.
Why, are you Frank Sinatra fan? Do I need to send you a CD of unreleased Sinatra material?
As for Deb's inquiry about the incident that ended my friendship with the Inman's, I didn't want to possibly offend anyone who might read this blog in the future so I answered her privately. But for the record it was not an attire issue. I would have been willing to wear Patti's Gorilla suit had I been asked!
As far as I know Rick and Lori are back in Shorewood. Last i heard Lori was working for the post office and Rick was a stay at home Dad. But that information is ancient and I have no idea how accurate it is. A couple of their kids must me in their 20's by now...
Thanks for the Sangria recipe!
MJB- the saving graces of my swiss army knife did not present themselves until several years later when Terri Niemczyk and I went on a wilderness canoe trip down the Flambeau Flowage and had a middle of the nite visit from a very large black bear.
Yes, the tweezer is mighty fine but I am partial to the corkscrew!
Dan B,
Hold on...was I to add more rum just before I put in fridge?
Great story and details of Sirs Frank and Stevie. After Ocean's 11 and the Vegas stories of the Making Of...I idolized The Man (and eventually his daughter Nancy more so for her baaaadddd sexy white go-go boots). I'll take you up on the CD and pick it up in July!
Daniel E.,
Really, I knew you could count...ever since you used to keep our mano-a-mano BBall scores. I was always amazed how you had more points than me whenever we scored an equal # of baskets.
Don't wish to hard or you might get what you wish for...Minnesota still has this f*cked up team called the Vikings and everyone in the State are fans ONLY when they go 15-1 before they choke in the Big Show!
Two trips in the BWCAW was enuff for me this past summer and fall- one with the family outta Tofte and one trip was actually work taking in three young FF's for a lightning strike fire near Ely's Screamer! The helicopter ride in and out was a blast, as was using a chainsaw and Mark III pump to save the wilderness and scare the critters.
Peggy: Sorry about the go-go boots reference - I hope I didn't set your therapy back!
No worries. But I think I should buy a pair and wear them to the reunion. I am downloading (oops, I mean purchasing) "These Boots Are Made For Walking" as I write this.
You need to share your "near death" experience with the rest of the class.
she said to wait 'til she's had the Sangria....
Peggy - FYI, I had GoGo boots - the foot attire of being a Majorette. I remember freshman year, during game day, when we had to wear our uniforms to school, someone said to me, "dont you feel stupid wearing those?". I am sure she was just jealous. Just for the record, they were VERY uncomforatable, clunky to walk in & my feet were always freezing, and they gave me blisters!!!!!
Ok, I'll tell my tale and forego the sangria for a good cup of coffee.
My friend Andrew (who I dated in HS) was spending a year studying abroad.
Since Andrew spoke French it was a perfect opportunity for me to travel to France and surrounding countries and tour with someone who spoke a language fluently. His older brother Chris decided to accompany me on the trip as well. We had some idea of where we wanted to travel but no formal itinerary. So, after visiting Geneve we headed up to Zermatt, home of the Matterhorn. Chris and Andrew, being the adventurous souls that they were decided that we would hike up the mountain. While they had hiking boots in tow, I was only equipped with tennies. Andrew strongly suggested that I purchase a pair of hiking boots that day prior to our trek. So, into the shoe store we went....and out I walked with a brand spanking new pair of stiff Raichle boots. Off we went...
The first part of the hike was beautiful and relatively easy. Then as we continued upward, I started to develop blisters from my new boots. After about an hour or two, my buddies decided that I was moving too slow for them so they went on ahead. Their lead increased in distance until I could no longer see them. There were others on the path but few and far between. I was forced to walk thru a herd of mountain goats sporting bells on their necks on my own. While the scenery was pastoral and I envisioned myself as "Heidi" I was far from feeling the urge to belt out a couple of bars from "The Sound of Music". I was a little scared, tired and thirsty. Eventually we all met up at the small train stop that would take us up to (I think) Gornegrat. While others chose to follow the intended mode of travel to the upper village i.e. ride the train(think bigger trolley), we decided to continue hiking the track- ignoring all signs pointing to "danger". We managed to get up an icy rail tunnel that had just enuf room to hug into the wall when the train whizzed by. Once out of the tunnel, my comrades decided once again that I was too slow for them. The distance between us again increased until they were no longer in view. The landscape which had been sporadic patches of snow became a solid white. The sun was shining and it was, I think in the 40's. I started to eat snow to quench my thirst. As I continued on my trek, cursing my travel companions and muttering obscenities I saw before me a sight that left me standing as stiff as my boots. Up ahead was the village but ahead of that was a train trestle. Below it, lots of air space and below that, a vast expanse of white. There was one track (the train that went up was the one that came down). I really had no choice but to continue on and pray that I would not encounter a train. The track at this point was made of some type of metal sheeting and rail ties. Afraid of heights, I treaded carefully across each tie. I was feeling relatively secure as I reached the halfway point on the trestle and then I saw it....a train on it's way down.
My options were few so I did what I could do in a moments time. There was a pole of some sort. I hugged the pole and lowered myself slightly off the track thinking I might find some footing. Nothing. I lowered a little more but I was up to my thighs in snow so I stopped. I hung on to that pole for dear life. When the train passed, the passengers just gawked and I smiled back at them like this was an everyday occurence for me. A little shaken, I climbed back on the track and continued on towards the village. I finally met up with Chris and Andrew at a restaurant. After refueling with drinks and food, those buffoons wanted to walk back down! I quickly vetoed that option and we took the train all the way back to Zermatt.
The blisters on my feet were not as bad as the blisters that developed on my face and mouth secondary to not using sunscreen and eating snow. Both Chris and I traveled on to the French Riveria with what looked like a skin disease while Andrew was unscathed.
Well, my coffee is cold and I've taken up waaayy too much time and space. And there you have it- what I remember as my near death experience. Anita, now you can see where the references to "stupidity" plug in.
My mouth is still hanging open, and I actually feel a little seasick from the pole part of the story...especially up to your thighs in snow -- I think that did it for me.
Wow, Patti.
And do you know what's really weird? I think I remember this boyfriend of yours...did he come to SHS sometimes to pick you up...very strange but I seem to remember something like that.
Great story. Off to find the dramamine now.
Joan I love your dad singing story. And I'm glad it was George Clooney and not Russell Crowe you met...I wouldn't want to have to rough you up. Thump-thump.
Mmmmm, Bruce, I love him. He helped me get up that final hill on my daily jogs. I would sing Rosalita. He always got me to the finish lines when I ran 10k's too. Just a side note - I partied with his road manager a few times. Don't tell Bruce! He never approved of any naughty behavior. Patti, you talked about Andrew in math all the time. I will never forget how upset you were when you told me you neglected to tell him to drive safely when he left your house the night before. Do you remember that? Ever since, I always tell people to drive safely.
And Patti, what an amazing adventure. I was on the edge of my seat. What a champ you were to keep going no matter what it took.
The only near death which was very possibly not truly a near death experience for me was a time with Cecie. I think she was laughing too hard to consider it to be near death. The longer I was in shock over the situation, the longer she laughed and the harder she wet her pants. (Oh she's going to kill me for that one). Here it goes, and sorry for the length of this entry - It was a gorgeous summer day. Cecie and I walked from my place to the Pig 'n Whistle at my encoureagement - i loved their hot ham sandwhiches - anyway, on the way back (in a somewhat altered state) a car of guys drove by and whipped an empty liquor bottle at us. It missed my head by a hair. I was in such shock I couldn't move. When I regained my senses there Cecie was crouching laughing her ass off. We still laugh about this. Actually, we laugh all the time about many things until one of us is crying or wetting our pants. It helps to donn a pair of depends - j/k.
Story, that is funny! You've got to get Cecie on this blog. Where the heck is she??
Yes, I do remember telling that story about Andrew and I also remember that Mr. Williamson was getting a bit perturbed because I wouldn't shut up.
I actually liked math after taking his class. I think you, me, Cecie and Denise Girard all sat together and I also remember talking and laughing alot!
...and I was always wondering why you always said, "Drive safely"....
I thought you thought that I'm a crummy driver & all
I love all these stories! My near death experience was in London last Dec., it had started to rain(what a surprise) and I stepped out into the street to hail a taxi.Like an idiot forgetting they drive on the other side of the street,coming straight at me from my back was a red double decker bus, he had no chance of stopping.I heard screaming and turned around just in time to jump back as the bus flew by me and was almost touching my coat. My friends that were with me said people on the bus were screaming, but most were giving me the finger!
Oh my gosh, Laurel! That's like the opening scene in "Closer!" did you see it?
claudia, I never saw closer. I still today feel like I'm living on borrowed time!
I agree with Nora, George Clooney is SO dreamy,now that is one guy that gets better the older he gets. Wasn't he also on the "Facts of Life"?
Patti, you did always talk about him, cause I remember him too. Did he come to our graduation party, at that restaurant that I cannot remember the name? I think he was with you at the party, I may even have pictures?.
My brother got into Bruce Springsteen back in '74 or whatever. He got turned onto him by Steve Wexler, his friend and the youngest person to ever have a FCC licence for radio or some such something. I remember him saying that this Bruce guy will be HUGE one day. He was right.
ND experience: I was flying home after my Dads funeral in '89, and the plane lost power suddenly and dropped for what seemed like an eternity. The pilot shook hands with all 20 of us when deplaning, saying in all his 22 years of flying he has never experienced that before. I have hated flying ever since.
Laurel-- I almost screamed while I was reading your story-- SCARY!
Ladies, Gawd Wow!
Predatory Ostriches!
Second-degree burns on Swiss Slippery Slopes!
Flying bottles aside - eating at the Piggly Wiggly was indeed a life or death experience. Ordering way too many take-out cheeseburgers from that place tells me so!
Who the hell invented driving on the left side anyways?....I just finished John Irving's "Until I Find You" and a character leaves our world this way!
A falling plane saved by a loving father? Like when Brett Lorenzo Favre threw four TDs the Monday Nite after his father left him!
Add childbirth to some of your resume, and...well, you know what I'm going to say before I say it..."I raise my glass to all of you!"
Respectfully and humbly,
I knew you'd be the only one who understood the danger of predatory ostriches -- you must see that in your line of work all the time!
This ND experience might be weird, considering I partied away my HS school years and never thought I would end up with this story...
Last year I was teaching some Iraqi police the basics of proper humanitarian treatment (to put it mildly)of their prisoners in Baqubah, Iraq (torture is a widespread problem as you probably know). I got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, which was about a 100 yard walk. Just as I was about to leave, some shots rang out just outside my door and then all hell broke loose. I went out a few minutes later to check. One soldier dead. Of the 7 shots fired, one lodged in the sandbag above my head, although we didn't know that until later in the day. I doubt I'd be around to write this if I had stepped out a minute earlier, but I had trouble finding a boot in the dark.
OK OK I am speechless, and my jaw in on the floor. Oh my God Andy. I tip my hat (beret) to you and your fellow servicemen.
These stories make the hair stand up on my arms. Wow!
Mitch-you have a knack for keeping it humerous and light-thanks! Without your appropriately placed interjections I might be inclined to become philosophical.....
Alright, if I'm to list 5 things about me, #1 would have to be (after reading all these other posts) that my life thus far has been pretty enjoyable and fulfilling but VERY BORING!!!
Bullets, cars, trucks, trains, planes, and oh yes, ostriches ... too much ... any '76ers you know that sell insurance? We should look at a group policy.
#2 and related to this Europe stuff; I didn't go to our graduation. In our senior year, I left high school 2 weeks early to go to Europe with Dan Rybold, his twin sisters and Jesper Dinessen. We backpacked for a few weeks. And for you guys, Annette Dinessen was there for only part of the time, with her parents.
#3 Re: famous people - I did know Andy P, Patti's neglectful old boyfreind, a very nice guy - and I wonder if the thin air impacted the judgement of your group? And my only other brush with greatness resulted from a 10 year obsession I had with darts at the end of high school, through college and beyond (real English darts, not that electronic abomination) ... so I hung around Wolskis, Up and Under and the Hillside on Humboldt before becoming a fixture at the Memorial Union at UW for many years. (The Union, what a great place, still a classic) Anyways, for a while I was the go to guy in Madison for the best darts and related items money could buy. One night our phone rang and some guy said he was the manager for Judas Priest and they wanted me to bring my "stuff" to the Dane County Colisuem where they were setting up for a concert. So, I sold them a ton of darts, and played darts with the band and crew for a couple hours ... darts dealer to the stars, kind of like Andy Brauer only different ...
And I have two cousins that are somewhat famous, Rory Block is a pretty well known blues guitarist and Melissa Block is an NPR reporter and anchor of All Things Considered ...
#4 Two funny things I recall from a crazy group of jr's and sr's in a Luke Groser class ... if any of this is familiar, others can fill in the names ... once I was sitting at my desk and a fight broke out and a very effective punch was thrown and someone came sliding and crashing over the top of my desk like in an old western movie and a bar brawl ... can't remember who was involved but if I looked at the copperdome like a mug shot book I might be able to recollect. Another time, some guy sitting across from me was playing with a lighter, flicking his Bic, right? He turned up the juice too high and accidently set the hair of the girl sitting in front of him on fire - I know it was unintended because the look on his face was total shock and surprise.
#5 I certainly didn't get into any fights at SHS but soph year, one day after school a senior was mad because I had talked to his girlfriend in study hall. He ran up to me as I was waiting to go to golf practice so I pulled out a club and told him to stay away - he did ... the guy actually ended up marrying the girl
I just got back from MN, where I saw many of Mitch's and KJI's friends driving around with Bambi's mom strapped to their SUV's ... the circle of life ... I'll leave you with that thought.
Dave M
Isn't it just incredible how one second, one minute makes all the difference in a day, a night, a journey?
When we all get together next summer I think we should all raise our glasses to life.
Story: No kidding. Ditto
Patti: You are going to invite Andrew to the reunion aren't you? Since we all remember him.
Dave: You are too much. That Dart story is GREAT!!! So is the girlfriend/club story, and Groser Story, I was laughing out loud. Trust me, my life is very quiet. I would not go back to my 20's or 30's for all the tea in china, or Bordeaux in France. And missing Graduation cause you were backpacking in Europe?!?!? PLEASE.......tell how that is boring?????
Brian Wulz sells insurance in Atlanta right? And isn't John Schlifske, class of '77 V.P. of Northwestern Mutual? The quiet company! He was my Biology Lab partner in Doc Genskows' class, (always align yourself with a smarter than you Lab partner).
I know, we can throw Darts at the Mutant Greyhound before we repaint it, while watching birds, and before going back to your basement Dave???
Yes, Story!! Let's do that for sure!!
Oh Dave I think that's my favorite 5 things post yet!
Geez, Andy!! Holy frickin cow!! Glad you're still with us!!
Story-well said!! L'chai-im!
Dave-Boring?? Ahh, I don't think so.
Loved the golf story. Another good reason to join the golf team-learn the art of self defense.
Joan, I will gladly make you a CD of unreleased Frank Sinatra recordings (I'll even slip in some rare Bruce too if you like).
Just email me your address. Thats goes for the rest of you too! If any of you want a CD just email me your snail mail addresses (or if you are worried, that I am the Mitch Bouchonville type and might show up at your homes unexpected like a Jehovah's Witness I'll bring a stack with me if I make it to the reunion in July.
Your near death stories have been creeping me out bigtime, and I have no jokes, I'm just glad you all survived.
Greetings all,
Scary Movie 5 now has an outline. James Lee needs to call the Zucker Bros.!
Andy N.: So glad to hear your alive to read these great posts!
Gene Hackman said it so well, (or was it Joan W. saying it to me when I drove her home alone many years past?), "The difference between a coward and a hero is one step sideways!" Please consider yourself a hero and share w/ your comrades the sentiments of your classmates!
Dave M: I'll be damned! No wonder you didn't parade on the stage to J.Larroquette and Co. for your diploma. Neubauer told me you went to the bathroom for two weeks!
Last time I was at the UW Union, I told Joan I had to get home that night from the Who concert - WHAT The F*ck was I thinking and imbiding that night!!! The near death experience I had was riding back home with her SILENT the whole time!
Dan B.: Would you happen to have a little Bono and the Chairman doing a few classics? I'll take you up on the CD via snail mail for some wild rice! Let me know if we can deal!?
Claudia: Have I told you for the hundredth time, yet, what a great idea this was of yours!?
Mitch is just mad that meeting George Clooney bumped that Who concert out of my list of top five hot secrets!
I really have enjoyed reading everyone’s 5 items about their lives. I must say the most surprising items to me were Dan, the boxing fan, and Dave, who has Judas Priest as his dart groupies. I don’t have anything as interesting, but always liking a game of tag, here goes:
1) I must begin with yesterday’s election and the democratic reemergence. My cousin, Marc Dann, won the attorney general of Ohio. So Story or anyone living in Ohio, if you get arrested for anything, I have an in.
2) Back in 1984, when I was a traveler for 9 months, I met a man and his lady friend at a gelato stand in Sienna, Italy. They invited a group of us who had nowhere to stay to come to his “castle”. Actually, we declined that night and slept on the sidewalk in the rain. The next morning, a group of about 6 of us, decided that we were going to check out his story and go this castle. He was actually telling the truth since he had a 40-room villa, complete with a ping-pong table in the attached chapel. Turns out, he was a visiting economics professor from Columbia named Robert Mundale, who evidently was a mucky muck in the economics world since he taught Arthur Lafer and knew President Reagan. We had a wonderful stay with him. Anyway, 10 years later, I am reading the New York Times and I see a picture of Robert in front of his castle with the story that he won the Nobel Prize for his work on the Euro.
3) In grad school at the University of Washington, I did a major project on volunteerism at the ACLU. I was one of those rare capitalist civil libertarians.
4) I met wife at work and never intended to date, much less marry a coworker. Given our working relationship, we kept our dating pretty quiet for almost 8 months, when we got engaged. Our announcement to our coworkers, most of whom didn’t even know we knew each other occurred at a pre-arranged staff meeting. At the time, I was the one of two team leaders of the client management group and my wife was in marketing. I arranged for Elizabeth to come down and talk about some made up IRA brochure. After she briefly talked about this so-called project, she asked for questions. I said, “wow, you are cute, do you want to get married”. As jaws dropped and heads hit tables, she said, “sure, you got a ring”, which I then placed on her finger. Not one of the 20 or so people in the room reacted since they were in a total state of shock. Not until we embraced did they realize that I wasn’t kidding or crazy.
5) I have been at times a fairly active volunteer. I have done crisis counseling on a help line, been board president of a runaway shelter and currently tutor inner city kids.
Jim: Cool engagement story, that is great. Congrats on your cousin in Ohio. Now we can commit crimes in Ohio and Shorewood!
I agree w Joan re: politics on this blog. But would love to chat Joan in person, she'd love some of the stuff I have experienced being out here in Mass! But you should all know that I am going on the record as supporting the Death Penalty for Coyotes.
Gotta go take down the ceiling in my back hall. Then later I go to Quincy Mass & watch my son play in the State Soccer Tournament!! YEAH. Go Bulldogs. Gotta love the dog mascots right???
Okay-- faux pas on the politics-- Joan, you are so the diplomat.
Deb, are you gonna get a donkey?
Jim- Your engagement story is a classic! I hope that you have penned it somewhere for posterity so that your kids can share it with their kids and their kids kids.
Kudos to you for you work with inner city kids. I'm sure that you are a wonderful role model for the kids that you work with, as well as your own.
Anita, should we take up a collection for that Donkey for Deb? I'm trying to think of a clever slogan or acronym....any thoughts!
OK-how's this for a billboard sign in Buzzards Bay to support bringing donkeys in to keep the coyote outa Debs yard?
"Get your "ass" out here and help manage urban migration of Coyote."
Patti you have a future beyond Yoga, advertising perhaps? VERY Very funny. I am thinking that I could have T shirts made up with your slogan and sell them locally..........I'll have my people be in touch with your people!!
I would get a donkey, and many other animals if I had the land for it. I did not realize how tough they are!!!!!
I feel that I glossed over Jimmy's volunteerism -- and also Andy's amazing work in Iraq. We have such a great class. And yes, Patti has any future she wants, Patti, you are blowing me away!
We definitely need a Yoga Pilates class before the reunion. Maybe we'll slot it in before we have our "Doing Our Hair" party -- mostly women but maybe Dan B., Dave, Jimmy and Mitch should be invited given their hair obsessions. We have to look our best -- and it's gonna take a lot of work.
Oh man, a doing our hair party!!! YES!!!
Mazel tov to Jim N.: My enjoyable, regular conversations with him always are fun and insightful, but his latest information about volunteering is new news to me. Kudos to you, Jim.
Makes my volunteerism as a mere Audubon conservation committee member looks smallish.....though hopefully we're helping save wildlife habitat here on the West Coast/Left Coast.
For a while, I volunteered teaching English to the many newly-arrived Spanish speaking folks here in the Bay Area. That was sorta nice, as I taught her in fun ways by taking her to the Farmer's Market where we learned everyday, real-world situations related to: money (counting change), fruit names, vegetable names, etc. et al.......BUT the woman never studied and never learned the alphabet. So it was difficult. Now I'm hoping to be a Big Brother soon.
As for the politics, I won't expound, per the other comments -- except to Second Joan's Euphoria: It's been fun and satisfying Wed and today: Lots of High-Fiving Everyone At Work All Day as we pass in the halls.
The upshot among many situations is that the ANWAR oil grab in Alaska is probably dead and not gonna happen -- so, boo hoo, a 6-month supply of oil is now lost. Guess we'll have to finally develop a mandate that CAFE standards and MPG averages will be 30 mpg for all car classes, not just Toyota and its fleet that will ALL be hybrids by 2010.
Daniel E, you need to go down to the previous entry's comments section. Daniel B has indicated a need for incentive to attend our reunion.
You know, we're not done with these tag entries yet. Now that the heat is off:
1. I'm most likely the only person from SHS that is both a citizen of Latvia and the US.
2. I took off from studies at UWM to bum around Europe with Sara Cooper, and ended up living on a kibbutz in Israel for 3 months and learning Hebrew.
3. Later, I lived briefly in Sweden, Germany, Latvia, & France.
4. I was swimming in the Mediterranean Sea, off a beach in Tel Aviv, with a guy from Paris, who was not a very strong swimmer. As I was slowly, but surely swimming out of the riptide that we got caught in, he starts yelling, "Secours!"(help!) So I swam back out, only to have him grab onto me, and pull us both under. As we were both sinking deeper & deeper, I realized how stupid this would be to have 2 of us die. After wrestling myself free, we both made it to the surface, & I figured I'd head to shore to get help. In the meantime, a lifeguard on shore caught sight of the struggle, and paddled out on a surfboard, just in time to pull this guy out just as he was going under again. They sent us to the hospital; he was alright, and we were there but half an hour, when a terrorist bomb went off in the marketplace nearby, and all this screaming started as they began carrying in loads & loads of bloodied victims. And we had been at the marketplace only a few hours earlier....
5. I am now a trained, certified lifeguard living in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Married, 4 children, 3 of which are daughters, ages 20, 19, & 16, & a son age 11. I work part-time at the "cement pond" that I have a block away from my home at the YMCA.
Now , was that so hard?
Yes, Peggy! I'm just not a very fast typer-- Mr Korneisel told me so!
I think near drowning and terrorist attacks trumps anything I've got, Anita.
And I bet you were graceful and beautiful through it all. AND...I bet I'm right, too!
Anita, was it that episode in Tel Aviv that led you to your current occupation as a lifeguard? All I can say is Wow!
How is it that you are a citizen of Latvia? Were you born there?
Patti, I was born in Milwaukee; but my parents were born in Latvia and forced to flee during the war.
And I don't remember whether lifeguarding was a recommedation or a requirement for my PE degree back in 82, but I'm sure I certainly saw the value of taking such a course!
Whoa-- none of this could possibly be as cool as going to school in England with a headmaster who wore a black robe and all. What an adventure! Was it sad to leave? My oldest daughter is away at college in England.
WOW, Soooo coool. All except the terrorists and near drowning incident........Dave M is right, we need a group insurance policy on us all.
I swim in my local Y all the time,
So let us add that to reuinion weekend - swim Lake Michigan?????
(where in England)
Well, for the first two years we said one hour's drive max, which ended up being to Holland, Michigan(1 hour away exactly.) But since that is such a homogenously Dutch town, that wasn't going to cut it for studying International Affairs. Now she's at the University of Sussex near Brighton.
Awesome, well-told stories.
Yeah, I agree Joan regarding the "letting go" thing. I will not be a good 'empty nester' that is for sure.
When I think of the stuff that I did, of the stupid things that put myself in real danger, Oh my God.........I cannot even think about it.
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