Hi all,
It took me some time to get into this blog thing that Claudia created, but I was never much of a leader. It takes me a while to catch on. Most of what I remember from the end of high school was everyone talking about going to Madison to party on the weekends ... well I'm here now, but where did you all go? And, I still haven't found a party. I wasn't much of a partier either. I did finally pick a major at UW though and am just 18 credits shy of a degree.
But seriously, there is a big party tonight ... Halloween on State Street is a big deal and the last three years or so it's gotten out of hand with broken windows, overturned cars and pepper spray to clear the streets about 2:00 am. Any of your kids here? You can wire bail money to dma@itis.com If it goes badly again tonight, as always happens, they will report the hell out of it on cable TV unless there's just no time available because Joan Walsh is on every station.
I've run into just a few of you over the years and besides the handful of people I see regularly or e-mail, it is kind of cool to connect with others and see all these locations where everyone ended up. I think Irene Diamond is the only '76 person I know that was here, there must be more.

Lots of people I could comment on but I won't. However, Mitch and Jimmy are obviously still hmmmmmm ... clowns ... and is Laurel Blackmore in Beverly Hills? Why does that not surprise me. I did note that in the '96 picture she and I are about the only ones in light clothes and thus beautifully bookend the group photo ... when you think about the Class of '76, Laurel and I were certainly the classiest.
Back to the UW ... if any of you have kids in the college seeking age range ... please feel free to contact me if you come here for a college visit (or are just passing through on your way to a football game or to inspect your land holdings in Northern WI). I can even give you a tour or leave that up to the experts, your choice.
My wife Kristi and I have a daughter Amanda, who is a senior at Madison East and is doing the college search thing right now. Very, very bizarre to be at this stage.

Stay well everyone ... thanks Claudia!
David Meyer
It took me some time to get into this blog thing that Claudia created, but I was never much of a leader. It takes me a while to catch on. Most of what I remember from the end of high school was everyone talking about going to Madison to party on the weekends ... well I'm here now, but where did you all go? And, I still haven't found a party. I wasn't much of a partier either. I did finally pick a major at UW though and am just 18 credits shy of a degree.
But seriously, there is a big party tonight ... Halloween on State Street is a big deal and the last three years or so it's gotten out of hand with broken windows, overturned cars and pepper spray to clear the streets about 2:00 am. Any of your kids here? You can wire bail money to dma@itis.com If it goes badly again tonight, as always happens, they will report the hell out of it on cable TV unless there's just no time available because Joan Walsh is on every station.
I've run into just a few of you over the years and besides the handful of people I see regularly or e-mail, it is kind of cool to connect with others and see all these locations where everyone ended up. I think Irene Diamond is the only '76 person I know that was here, there must be more.
Lots of people I could comment on but I won't. However, Mitch and Jimmy are obviously still hmmmmmm ... clowns ... and is Laurel Blackmore in Beverly Hills? Why does that not surprise me. I did note that in the '96 picture she and I are about the only ones in light clothes and thus beautifully bookend the group photo ... when you think about the Class of '76, Laurel and I were certainly the classiest.
Back to the UW ... if any of you have kids in the college seeking age range ... please feel free to contact me if you come here for a college visit (or are just passing through on your way to a football game or to inspect your land holdings in Northern WI). I can even give you a tour or leave that up to the experts, your choice.
My wife Kristi and I have a daughter Amanda, who is a senior at Madison East and is doing the college search thing right now. Very, very bizarre to be at this stage.
Stay well everyone ... thanks Claudia!
David Meyer
Hi Dave
I'm glad that you are now "posted" on the blog. Claudia can be persuasive, good thing too, or none of us would be communicating.
I was disappointed, seeing the 20th Reuinion photo, that you didn't have the same hair style as you did back @ SHS? Cute just the same.
By the way, brother Dave says :hi", and will play golf with you any day.
Hi David!
Yes we do make pretty good bookends! It's great to hear from you. I was just lookin at cnn.com check it out.They are reporting about the big "monster mash" in Madison. Love this disclaimer: can not guarantee your safety, enter at your own risk. So David get out your riot gear and have a great time tonight. Let us know tomorrow if we need to bail you out too.
Dave, you and Laurel were definitely the class of '76.
I will look for you on TV tonight -- I'm staying home. We live right above the Castro which is not quite State St. but has its own big party.
Otherwise I will see you on Nora's college tour, if not before!
Dave, Yay!!! You made it!!! It does seem a bit bizarre that your daughter is looking for colleges, but so cool, too. And now about YOU: Buddy, you're kiddin' me: 18 credits shy of a degree? Did you really not finish? I have just decided to finish my own (barely started) degree in Human Services. But Dave! 18 credits, really???
And Joan: I lived on Corbett, about, mmmm....5 blocks up from the Castro muni stop. Are you there? In my old house??? Speaking of bizarre!
OK, Claudia, that is so so so so freaking bizarre. Nora and I just took an hour long hike up to Twin Peaks, on Corbett part of the way. We were in the 4-600 block! Then hiked up Graystone, to Clarendon, to the peak. We live on Romain, right where the bridge crosses Market, on the other side of Market from Corbett. We would have been about 4 minutes apart.
Also, I told Nora about the blog on this hike, and about telling you, Claud, that the only thing I make her do that she doesn't like is hike occasionally. But this hike was actually her idea. Gorgeous day here in SF, wish you all were here.
San Francisco IS beautiful! And I haven't taken a walk, much less a hike, with Maddie in years! Such a great idea.
Do you ever eat at Lefty O'Doule's (sp?)
I might be one of the few people in history actually thrown out of The Saloon, by the way. For throwing a drink in my boyfriend's face, I believe. My roaring twenties!
Why does this come to mind? I guess I'm thinking about places I spent time in while I was there (oh shit I'm laughing my ass off here -- why, when I remember places do I always have to remember stuff like THAT??)
And I think Deb is trying to seduce us into another conversation about hair...only this time it's the guys' hair she wants to discuss...Laurel, any thoughts on this?
I was actually thinking about shaving my head for the reunion.
Don't you DARE!! I loved your hair, Laurel.
(oh boy, here we go, back to the hair discussion!)
Just got finished watching the Wisc. vs Illinois FB game - (while 60 mph gusts are howling outside, along with the 2 inches of rain falling sideways)- even the announcers were talking about the Halloween "Freak Show" on State Street. So Dave, are you going?
Laurel, don't shave your head! We want to see it "poofy" disco style, maybe a side pony tail!
Claudia, I just got off the phone with my brother Randy and I was telling him about this blog and he told me what a crush he had on you when we were at school! Thought I would pass this on to you.
Deb, I'll keep the hair and try to do a little "poofy
disco" thing!
It's so nice to hear that! I wonder where in the heck he saw me? We sure couldn't have had too many classes together. I'm thinking Youth Center.
And I want to see you in that "side ponytail" Deb was talking about. Too funny, Deb!
My brother asked about Debbie Herz. Does anyone know where she is? I remember some really fun times at her house on Lake Drive.
Quile parle francais! Ma maison! Quelle heure et il! Je suis le bafoon!
Thanks for allowing me to learn not a d*mn thing in French class!
Mr. Kramoris' (sp?) was like a Sinse to me until I met you and learned it was better to practice our "french" on the senior cheerleaders with their short pleated skirts, tight sweaters and extremely close-shaved (long) legs.
You were like on the side of the Force for me, to counteract the Dark Side coerced on me by the JLN clan. At least you could score better booze for us and actually KNEW a few girls to boot!!!
James Lee only knew Boones Farm and Ripple -Pagan Pink oddly his favorite flavor whenever he made me walk miles to UWM w/ him to watch some artsy-fartsy, "Claudia would like this sh*t" movie!!!
Thanks for the pleasure of your earlier email and pix of your loved ones - before you send her out in the big world, please warn her of the downfalls of too much Southern Comfort!!!
She's in the 20 year reunion picture, L.
I am seriously jealous of Dave's hair. Laurel, I think some of us should have a pre-party before the reunion to do our hair together -- and Dave should be the only guy invited!
I haven't seen Debbie since a few years after our 20th, at Jodie Curro's wedding (!). She was living in I think Mequon with her great husband and wonderful kids and seemed very happy. I will try to track her down and make sure she knows about the reunion. Same with Jodie, who I think may be living in France this year, but I know checked in on Gary's guestbook. She should be here blogging.
Re: my hair, I should have kept it shorter. Because it was so kinky/curley I kind of had a helmet thing going on towards the end of high school. But I was stuck ... when it was short people said I looked like Arnold Horshack, if it would have been longer I could imagine a Steve Shufton/Tim Casey sort of look ...
any hair styling session today would be brief ... it's thinning pretty quickly, not gone ... just thinning.
Halloween worked out ... no pepper spray or riot gear, about 230 arrests last night, down from 600 last year ... any of your kids get picked up?
Debbie, tell your brother golf sounds good some day, he was alright for an under-classman but I suppose that he must be 46 now so maybe he's not an under-classman any longer.
And Mitch's reference to Southern Comfort I believe involved a young lady (two grades ahead of us)who plied me with occasional gifts because she wanted to date a friend of mine (he who shall remain nameless)and she thought I could help out on her behalf.
I do remember pouring you out of a car that night and recall the looks I got from Mel and Adrienne.
I saved those looks, burned into my consciousness and will use them on my daughter and her friends if I ever need to.
Sara Cooper - card shark/lawyer ... that's another one that doesn't surprise me!
Ok MB & DM
Someone told me, (cannot remember who, or where) that Mr. Kramouris
was found to have been a member of the Nazi Party in Germany, and associated with the SS. Is that some sort of "Shorewoodesque Urban Legend", a rumor started by someone who unfairly flunked his class, or am I dreaming??
Are you sure they weren't talking about Mr. Zander?
I seem to remember that as well? Someone said that at the 10th reunion, I think? Don't remember which language teacher they were talking about? Don't know if there's any truth to it either? Seems pretty far fetched to me - Anyone know?
Claudia could be right that Zander was the SS rumor target. I think Mr. Kramoris' first name was Ivars ... no wait, it was Ivan ... actually he was a Russian/Slovak expert who taught French. But he could have been KGB.
I do recall he doted on and had an eye for the young ladies ... perhaps Katie Madden and Berry and also Maureen Mountain and Monroe could attest to that.
To think that I missed out on all the international intrigue by not taking German or Spanish! I took French with Mr. Duecker. (I liked him, but was horrific at French). I married into a Portugues Family, and still cannot speak the language, (albeit a few swear and culinary terms).
Meanwhile maybe Bano will know?
Who's Bano??...........
Mr. K might have been KGB, but he wasn't a Nazi, wasn't even German! And I'm kidding about the KGB - he was more of a left-wing anarchist. I had him for Spanish 1 in Junior Year (having given up on learning Latin) and he enjoyed trying to hook me up with the freshman boys. I think the legendary John Malloy was in my class, but while I remember him fondly he did not change my life as he did Jimmy's...
Anyway, let's put to rest the Mr. K-Nazi suburban legend!
I remember the day Mr Geitzen told us about the time he was in Germany and heard Hitler give a speech. He spoke of Hitlers charisma and pesuasive personality. But far more Bizarre than that was the time he gave us a break from our normally scheduled class and declared it Jayne Mansfield Appreciation Day! I am not kidding. He brought in all these old newspaper clippings and magazine articles, Played some awful records of hers and even had one of her old shoes or a scarf or something that he passed around. He was almost in tears when he discussed her car accident and talked about a "brilliant career cut short"
I remember sitting their with my mouth hanging open for the entire period.
Ha! And Jane Levy has the nerve to say we never learned anyhting important at SHS. That day I learned the true meaning of camp.
Oh my Gosh, WOW, that is quite the story. My mouth is hanging open reading this. How odd.
oh yes Mr. Geitzen. I was so cynical even at age 16 I knew not to listen to a word that guy said. Does anyone remember the happy triumvirate of Mr. Zweck, Mr. Saeger (Lake Bluff) and Mr. oh shit, what was his name, the fat librarian? They went on a European trip every summer together. and once Zweck showed us his slides and ooops! forgot to take out some juicy shots of some young Greek boys. heh heh.
Otis? You talkin bout Otis?
Otis, yes, Otis...I can see his face clearly but I can't remember his last name, help!
OMG, Otis Swiger, oh how he hated me!
was it sweiger or zwieger or something like that ???
Dan beat me by 30 sec
Dan, he hated EVERYONE. What a lovely fella. Did you know I interviewed him for journalism class? I can't remember whether I wrote the article or not though...story of my academic life!
Otis was a jerk, I don't think he liked anybody.
I finally got out my Copperdome again, I just had to place the faces to the names of some of the teachers everyone was referring to.
Never had Geitzen, so I missed the tribute to Jane Mansfield. I was getting all mixed up with Genskow, Gensler, Groser, Geske and Geiken??
I remember Chem teacher Biddick, learned tons from him. Loved Mrs. Gardner and MR. Ferrara too. Remember Zweck and Shirley Scharff in 8th grade? Zweck taught Sheepshead after school. I still don't know how to play that game.
Dave, we can share the glory. I may have been the one to buzz in first, but you were the first to buzz in with the correct spelling.
Yeah Deb, Mrs Gardner was a doll. I remember Mary being really sweet too, and kind of funny.
Jack Zweck was a shit. Remember his sandals with the peace symbols on them, the sandals he wore with socks?
And speaking of spelling,
I remember one time I was one of the last ones standing in a spelling bee and I was spelling every word Zweck was throwing at me, I was on a real roll (for me). Then he messed with me and deliberately mispronounced a word causing me to misspell it. The whole class screamed unfair but he smugly eliminated me. I remember sitting there seething with anger. However, it did teach me to listen more carefully and think a little before blurting out an answer. But still, i mean really!
I think Zweck invented Birkenstocks!
Dan Berghaus, is that you?!!!
Dave, didn't I cut your hair when you lived in Madison in the 80's. I seem to remember you coming to my place on Mendota Ct.( I lived with 6 other women)Am I imagining that?
mr. zweck once called thalia pulver fat which was, you know, rather ironic.
yes thank you, it was otis swiger. he was a horrid man.
and there was a horrible gym teacher (really???) called larry shober i believe, who sadistically threw one of the abc kids in the deep end of the pool, knowing full well that he could not swim.
Here's what I remember about Miss Scharff...her fingernails were so long she could pick her nose without her fingertip even entering her nostril...!
I'll see your revolting image of Miss Scharf and her nostril and raise you the rumor that she and Mr. Zweck were lovers -- how's that for revolting images? Or at the very least distasteful.
And hey Laurel, I got a hair story for ya:
I was playing basketball in gym class in 7th grade when Mrs. Frich called out, "Hey you with the stringy hair!" and threw a basketball at about a hundred miles an hour in my face. Another sweet memory to cherish as we traipse down this lane!
(Is that how you spell traipse??) traypse trapse
Claudia, how mean is that! Trapeze down this lane, I like that. Talk to you all next week, I'm leaving early tomorrow for the week.
Thalia Pulver, now thats a name from the past! Hi Jane, I sorta remember that incident with Zweck. Poor Thalia, If I remember correctly, we, as a class, were collectively horrified. What a mean spirited, destructive, miserable, and rotten thing to say to a 13 year old girl. And yes, you are right, he had no business talking about anybody elses poundage. I mean really.
Is he still alive? I wonder if anybody ever went back and told him off? There must be hundreds of people who would want to.
Let's movie the topic back to HS, this middle school thread is bringing me down.
Of course we made fat jokes about Miss Scharf and her battle hips of the republic. But we were just kids, not teachers...
Oh my gosh, I am laughing out loud. Battle Hips........
These comments are incredible, I don't remember any of those incidents, (thank Goodness). Mr. Z was so odd, sandles and all. And Dan: it is obvious to us all now, that Zweck was annoyed that you were much smarter than he was, & he was totally intimidated, thus sabataged (sp?) the spelling bee.
I have 14 yr old in Jr. High now, and they treat them like fragile pieces of artwork. Things have changed!
Patti B - I know I ran into you a couple of times but I don't recall the haircut ... you came here to learn the trade , right? It's all a little hazy. Where are you now?
Jane L - I remember you lived behind my cousin Bill and also Mike Farrell ... great to hear from you! What are you up to in Savannah GA?
A remember Zweck used to pull out the old Shorewood Sanitarium routine when he really wanted to embarrass someone, like "that is such a stupid question you belong in the Sanitarium" or "I'll call over to the Sanitarium and have them get a room ready for you"
We'd drive Mr Tyrell nuts in math. One time he wanted me to go down to the library on the second floor and I wasn't moving fast enough so he told me to "get off this floor!", so I jumped up on a table. Anything for a laugh. But I then had a little conference with Mr. Kupfer about the incident ... that didn't go well. He could be pretty threatening.
Does anyone else remember how Mr. Schuschanek (sp) used to measure the density of our hair in Earth Science class? He would pay particular attention to the girls. I always thought it was some sort of fetish.
On Zweck, he got me in one of his special neck pinches once. Can't recall what I did to deserve it, but it wasn't pleasant, and that's all of my knowledge of Zweck.
I also flipped off Schober and Mancuso one day in gym class. Got the neck pinch for that too, as well as some threatening talk in their office. Lesson learned: Never flip off someone on steroids.
"Special neck pinch!" Gads, Andy!! I'd forgotten all about that. He had to be mentally ill.
I am laughing so hard right now...
Except Deb's right, they treat kids like fragile flowers now -- nothing like any of this has ever happened to Nora (I was beaten in the Catholic school I attended until mid-eighth grade, though, so Shorewood cruelty was a step up for me). And Claudia, that story is truly awful.
Still, a Mr. Zweck story: I came in the middle of eighth grade, and I'd had good grades at my Catholic school which was the next year CLOSED because it was academically such a terrible school. I was lost in math, especially, when I got to Shorewood. And every time I answered a question wrong, Mr. Zweck would ask me why I didn't just go back to whatever "P.S. 121 Mickey Mouse school" I came from. Being a literal-minded sort (then and now) I reminded him several times that I came from a suburban Catholic school, but he liked his little joke so much he just couldn't abandon it. Way to make the new girl feel welcome! I hated his guts.
P.S. to last post -- I came from NY, is that obvious? I don't even think I knew that public schools were called P.S. Whatever in the city until Welcome Back, Kotter. So Mr. Zweck's humor was intended to make me seem like an urban thug, as well as stupid. I think!
Well, I just officially crossed a line in bad Internet blog behavior -- I forgot to make sure my daughter woke up in time for school, because I was blogging, and she didn't! It's rehab for me...
Well since we are continuing in this vein. One time I had surgery on my hand and still had stitches in it, Tom Rebholz insisted that I play Dodge Ball, I told him no because I didn't want to pop my stitches and to be honest, I would have preferred to sit in the bleachers and read. Rebholz not only called me a "sissy" IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY, he called my Mother and told her that he suspected I was queer (his word)!!!!!!!!!!!!
My mom only told me that much and never disclosed how she responded to him, but whatever she said it did the trick because he never bothered me again, and in fact started treating me with a little respect. I understand they now have a statue and a gym dedicated to him..., charming.
Maddie was telling me last night before she went to sleep that she had a substitute yesterday who, rather than "warn" one of her classmates to quit screwing around with his eraser (or something on his desk), this sub just grabbed it out of his hand! She was a little scandalized, I think. And the truth is, it did sound a bit violent to me, too. But can you imagine how "normal" we thought this stuff was? Teachers calling names and pinching necks and intimidating new kids...wow. It's changed for the better, you guys.
1. hey I ran into Mr. Tyrell in at the Chicago train station about 13 years ago, and I'd have to say that he was NOT that happy to see me. I wasn't even mean to him in school! But I think his experience with cruelty from kids was kinda profound! It looked kind of like he thought I was going to hit him or something. I felt bad.
2. Do you guys remember when Greta and Steve C got caught smoking pot in the bleachers in 8th grade? And Mr. Kupfer got on the speaker system and started talking about how we all might just as well "have a pot party in the Pit?"
Oh, God, I'm rolling on the floor AGAIN!!!
The Neck Pinch, you have got to be kidding me???? Never experienced that!!! Mr. Mancuso liked me cause I had neat handwriting, and I used to make all his charts on poster board for the Boys athletics. My brother still (at 45 years old) still hates Tom Rebolz for him not making the varsity BB team, after being on the JV team. He was so devistated when he found out he didn't make the team, that he went home for lunch with Todd Pollesh, shared a bottle of champagne, went back to SHS and tossed a potted plant, of some teachers, out of the second floor window!!!
I now remember that Mr. Zweck did say quite often that he worked in a sanitarium. How odd is that? Why would that be good on a teachers resume for teaching 8th Grade!
GET THIS: The have banned Dodge Ball and Bombardment in our Jr. High cause parents were complaining their kids got hurt. Understandable right.....well they play them with NERF balls,!!!! Can you imagin if they were those hard vinyl gym balls that we used to toss around, and hit people with?
A pot party in the pit!!!! I can't breathe! BWhahahahahahahaha.
One time the janitor caught me and Holly Tappen smoking in the upstairs boys bathroom of the Drama Building, he was so stupid, he reported to Geske that we were making out up there.
We got suspended for one hour and rolled out of there early laughing our asses off!
See how easy my job is, I spend more time blogging with you folks than actually working...I'm serious.
By the way Jane and Joan, you guys live in two of my favorite cities, no place is more Beautiful than Savannah, and my fortieth birthday party was at The Fairmont in San Francisco, the most charming city on the face of the earth!
I never remember a party in the pit annoucment. That is over the top, I am laughing so hard.
I hope that someone is printing this stuff, it is priceless. Too bad reality TV wasn't around then.
This stuff is too good.
Got to go to the store, nothing in the house to eat but Halloween candy.
Greta used to say that when he hauled her and Steve into his office and gave them a lecture, that he accidentally spit on her face while he was talking (his mouth was a bit unruly, wasn't it?)
So of course Greta amended that phrase about the pot party in the pit: she used to say, "...and we can all have a pot party in the pit...with SPIT!"
okay, now I AM crying!!
And hey, would someone in Milwaukee please get Greta some tech support so she can get on here and tell some stories!
And Deb, for the love of Pete, get out and get you some Ezekial Bread or something, quick!! Halloween candy indeed!
Old twitch, oops I mean Kupher, was another mean one, wasn't he?
He mighta been retired army or something...he always seemed that way to me...
Kupfer hauled me, and a few others, down into his office on a Friday, because we all quit the band. He told us to rethink that during the upcoming weekend, and come to his office to see if we really wanted to quit on Monday. He was intimidating.
(Yes, I still quit,and Mom sold my flute at a yard sale years later)
thanks, I love Savannah. and after so many years in NYC and a few in London, it somehow makes sense.
Kupfer was a twitching maniac. Zweck was a frustrated obese queen. ditto Otis Swiger. Don Geitzen was a lisping serial killer, Larry Schober was a sadistic closet case, oh I could go on and on.
I mean come on, I don't have kids, but school WAS HELL. even grade school. what about those lunatics Miss Spicuzza and Miss Lacant, who were old when my dad had them!!!!@#&&!
Life must have been rough at SIS. So harsh compared to the mild ruler slaps over the knuckles by the St. Robert nuns! Any St. Bob alumni remember Miss Coppersmith?
I remember once Miss Lacant gave me a dictionary and had it opened up to "immature" and then told me to read the definition aloud to the class. I asked her if she wanted the adjective form or the noun and then I started to spell it phonetically and noted where the accent was and all that ... things got worse from there
Patti - Kanopy is still around, I remember your various paths in Madison, cosmotology and all. Many have come through here, some how I never left.
Mild ruler slaps Patti?? You got off lucky. I remember how Sister Dechantelle used me and Todd Brenard as her personal punching bags! But I am proud to say the beatings never broke me, thats why they kicked me out of St. Bob's and I ended up at SIS. But then again maybe they kicked me out because in catachism class I always used to ask "Who was God's Mother?"
I used to love the shade of purple Sister Adrians face would turn when she screamed at me over that one.
Oh my God, you guys make me laugh!
Dave, Kanopy is still around-different location and Chris Stevens is no longer the artistic director.
Dan-I can just picture you saying that!
As a grade school girl I was ahh, rather developed for my age and I remember in 6th grade when Kevin Dixon asked me if I was a prostitute. Since I wasn't as sophisticated as 6th graders today, my horrified response was,"NO!! I'm a Catholic".I thought he was asking if I was a Protestant! My poor mom had such a hard time keeping a look of empathy on her face while trying to console me. Then she had the nasty task of explaining what a prostitute was.
But, back to knuckle slapping-my piano teacher in 2nd grade used to wrap me over the knuckles with ruler when I played a note incorrectly, then offer me candy when I played it right. Kinda like Pavlov's School of Piano.
Speaking of Todd Bernard, does anyone in contact with him?
OH MY GOD, Sounds like St. Bobs had some odd teachers there too.
Patti & Dan, that is just too funny. It was St. Bobs, loss and SIS gain Dan........ Sounds like your wise ass comments and talents were totally wasted with the St. Bobs audience.
immature? we were in grade school! what, we were supposed to be reading the new york times and discussing the stock market? those people were deranged.
Jane, sorry but you are frickin hilarious!!
Hahaha Jane is just the same, I love it. Oh Patti, I did my best to answer your Todd Brenard question but I did it in the wrong post (maybe thats a sign that I better slow down). he's in advertising. And yes, you were well developed for your age, and we were all fascinated. Kevin Dixon, oh man do I ever have Kevin Dixon stories, but then again, who doesn't. I wonder what became of him. I wonder if Claudia Knows...
Actually, Dan, I did hear that he was having some trouble last spring, I think...that he was missing -- engaged to be married, all going well and then missing. So I was kind of wondering if anyone had heard.
On the other hand, one hears a LOT of stuff...and as they say, you can't believe most of what you hear...
Wow, that sounds all so dramatic, But then with Kevin you never knew... he was like the Robert Mitchum of our class, do you know what I mean?
Kevin taught me how to smoke. When we were in the sixth grade we stole a pack of Camel straights out of my Dad's pocket and smoked the whole pack. Oh man, I got so sick, but did I learn my lesson? Hell No! Kevin taught me well because I didn't stop smoking until 2 years and 20 some pounds ago.
I guess it does sound a little dramatic. Life is like that sometimes, I guess.
I quit smoking finally and forever the day my daughter was born. I went outside to have a smoke with one of the nurses and when I came back in the room there she was in her little blanket with that little hat on her head and I couldn't even pick her up, I stunk of smoke and it was like, coming out of my pores and in my sinuses and ..yuk! So I quit. But it was really, really hard and I still love the smell of a smoke when I walk by someone on the street who's smoking.
Tell me about 20 pounds!!
Oh Claudia, do you know what I just remembered? Miss, Could You Please Remove Your Hair Roller From My Corn Flakes?
Why is that familiar???
oh, not to change the subject but the the boxes with all my high school pictures, theater programs, yearbooks etc was destroyed in a flood in my brother's house. My senior yearbook survived (and it even has my name embossed in silver on it, dang weren't we the swank one at SHS) and I do have a few assorted pictures here and there. There is one picture from the mid 80's that might interest a few of you, so I can scan it and post it if Claudia gives me a password, or just I'll just email it to Claudia, either way works for me. It is a shot of Shorewood girls you wouldnt expect to see together, and they are all looking great, and in the batrhoom of RC's I believe. Greta Longren, Katie Barry, Kate Nelligan, and Holly Tappen.
I know you want to see this, just tell me what to do.
because it's the title of a story you wrote about your sister! The one who used to giggle at me cause I thought you were the prettier and more talented and glamorous one..., or maybe she just laughed at me because I was the little freak who had a crush on her little sister!
Don't get a swelled head over this Claudia, I also had a crush on Shileds and Yarnell!!!!!! hahahahahaha
i wonder if that reference was too obscure...
Dan I just got home again and my daughter is waiting to use the computer --- post your email address and I'll write you --- our username, though, is practicalslayer@yahoo.com and our password is advisor. Then you post on "In Lieu of Reunion" blog, NOT Ask the Slayer blog...it's a long and boring story how it got all mixed up. sorry!
Maybe you can navigate from there? I'll be back in an hour or two to see! good luck!
This was beyond hilarious. Was anyone in the Mr. Tyrell class where we all walked out on him one at a time? Each of us offered to go get the one who just left. They made an announcement " Will Mr. Tyrell's math class, please report back to his room"...Or when we followed behind him erasing the board as he was explaining something, only to turn around and have nothing written on the board? I remember Mr. Shober threatening to light a match in the huddle of girls football in gym clase. It would have probably just been a small explosion. That's what they get for having gym right after lunch on a Friday! I can't imagine what I would do if my kids were drinking at lunch and going back to school. I really can't imagine what the school would do! PS- Mr. Zander was a Nazi and Mr. Zweck was an arrogant twit. But I thank my lucky stars every day for Ms. Zwitter. The process wasn't fun, but damn did we learn algebra!
Hi Caryn, I think we had Mr. Rinka and SS together, and you sat in the back row, oh God, all these memories are coming back to me, what have I done by joining this blog? I mean what has Claudia done? This is all her fault.
Patti, I remember Miss Coppersmith, I don't know what your feelings about her are but I remember her as a very nice woman, a little overwhelmed maybe, but kind hearted. I remember her and Robin Wren being particularly friendly.
Remember Mrs Hayworth? One time Todd and I went to her apartment and she was wearing a mini skirt and drinking a Martini. I swear to you I AM NOT MAKING THIS SHIT UP. Go find Todd Brenard, he'll tell you. Anyway, she was a little tipsy and waiting for her "friend" to show up. It was just weird, so weird.
Oh yeah ,and Miss Morrison. In hindsight she was great! I think she really cared about us. I can still hear her booming voice drowning out the crowd when she started yelling "Go Mr. Berghaus, GO MR. BERGHAUS" as I dribbled the basketball down the court and scored the rare basket in an actual basketball game (all thanks to Bill Pick who passed me the ball). I remember going to her fathers wake in like the 5th grade, did we go as a class or something, or was I more responsible kid than I remember being??
Sister Marie David, oh I loved her, she wasn't like the other nuns at all, she was nice.
You have had the most unusual expereinces with teachers, oh my Gosh, you couldn't make that stuff up!!!
Todd B is in your neck of the woods. Madison Ave. Advertising Co: DDB Needham Advertising. He is VP I think. (Google him.)
Larry G is on Long Isl. Brenda has got to be out here somewhere too.
Anne W in CT, I am on the Southcoast of Mass, and Lisa in Maine. We can have a East coast reunion, and the heck with you Westerners. Ha, only kidding.
I never had Mr. Geitzen but I did babysit for him long before I knew who the heck he was. I have to tell you the experience was too weird and too uncomfortable. And after that I never babysat for any strangers. The guy hardly said two words to me. Awkward! The house was dark, dark because the shades were drawn with hours left of light. The rooms were sparse like not even lived in. The kids were already asleep and I wasn't to go upstairs. Too weird! The wife never said a word. I sat in a tiny room with only a cot to sit on - possibly military issued, possibly from Germany. The only other piece of furniture in the tiny room was a black and white t.v. that hardly worked. And there weren't any snackies for me to nibble on. And he didn't tip. I am telling you the guy was really weird.
Kramoris was nuts and a jerk. He did look at the girls with uncomfortable glances through watery eyes. Weren't his eyes always watering, sometimes like a faucet? When I told him I wasn't continuing with spanish he yelled at me and was so mean to me for the rest of the semester.
I loved Ms. Damon, Mrs. Singer and Mrs. Gardner.
Story: your story about Mr. G kind of reinforces this idea I have that maybe the world is not much weirder now than it ever was -- people have always been nuts. I don't remember having him as a teacher, but I remember being in his class once...I can't remember why, maybe I dropped a class of his or something. But your story is pretty amazing. What in the hell was going on over there?
On second thought, I don't want to know: I retract the question!
and Story your post also confirms my earlier point- Don Geitzen: serial killer. with a lisp. oh you know he had a secret closet up there with lots of chains and leather and ss uniforms and patent leather spike heel boots. his poor kids.
Ahem. Do you suppose any of our old teachers will find their way to this blog?
As usual, he truth is always sranger than fiction, that holds true for shs as well.
I never heard any of this stuff while at SHS, nor did I have any of these teachers either.
WOW. I wonder where they are now???
On a positive note: I loved Mrs. Gardner, Milke, Mr. Groser, and Doc. Genskow, and Mr. Biddick, who was the best chem teacher. Got through college chem with no problems, all due to Biddick
Who was that sweet guy who taught Biology freshman year? His name started with a b, too, I think. He was so sweet!!
Mr. Birkholz, he was sweet.
That's him!! I remember he told us once, in all earnestness, not to "go hog wild on the petrie dishes." How cute was that?
If this posts twice ... sorry
Mr. Maki the middle school art teacher was a good guy. He lost his cool once in a while because we all drove him nuts.
My Dad thought Mrs. Sears was attractive, like Betty Crocker.
Just about the driest sense of humor I've ever encountered -- Mr. Maki! Very cool.
As for Betty Crocker, Dave, I hardly know where to begin. There's no such person, you know that, right?
You're cracking me up out here!
Mr. Foti! he was really a lounge singer.
Mrs. Slater! she tried to be so cool. she liked to sleep "in the nude". (why would you tell a bunch of 12 year olds that?)
Miss Fritch! she looked at all the girls coming out of the shower!
Miss Sturr and Miss someone else- the Children's Hour!
Mrs. Singer- if one more person told me I looked like her I was going to scream
Mrs. Ivanovich- my older brother called her Hunchy.
Miss Pils- she spit when she talked!
oh who was that biology teacher who was missing a finger?
Doc Genskow was the one missing a finger. During a parent /teacher conference he once told Holly's parents that I was a heroin addict
Oh we had a laugh over that one.
I knew you were shooting up in the youth center. ya know all this shit about teacher is weird but the weirdest thing about shorewood high school, hands down? we had a bowling alley. and had bowling in gym
You mean all schools didn't have Bowling Alleys and Green Apple machines????
You are right Jane -People do NOT believe that we had a bowling alley in high school. I have never heard, or seen of one in a high school since??? I remember my sister bowling a 300 game after school, when they had open bowling! Wondering if that was a regulation size alley?
FYI, no school here in Mass or RI has a swimming pool either??? I guess cause we are on the coast?
Mr. Maki just retired, and he did have a real dry sense of humor! I think he had since moved up to the high school!
You know who can answer,(confirm or deny), all this stuff is BANO - he spent time as the police liason @ SHS, and his kids went there.
How can we get him to Log On?
okay, i don't remember this so called green apple machine?! i do remember the cheeseburgers at the youth center. and george webb's on oakland ave.
I have nothing more to say, just want to get the "comments" up to the number 100
Ok this one should get it to 100?
I am stuck on hold with a Customer Service rep from a Cabinet company.
seems they cannot find my cabinet part?
George Webbs hamburgers at 4 in the morning, nothing tasted better...ever
especially on the way home after a pot party in the pit
with spit.
(you KNEW I was gonna have to say that -- set up like a bowling pin)
Mr. Foti drove the Zoo Mobile in the summer at the Milw. Cty Zoo.
He just retired last year I think. IT was so easy to get him off on some non related subject.
There was this guy who helped out in Art class one year... Mr. Andre. I remember him as being an arrogant sort. But Harvey Genskow was a good guy.
Speaking of bowling alleys and moldy apple machines, remember when they turned the old gym into a weekend roller skating rink and we rolled to the music of The Beatles and The Beach Boys.
Or how about the Auditorium where they would show subversive kids movies like The 5000 Fingers Of Dr T on Saturday afternoons, and travelogues on Sundays evenings?
The ice skating rink at Atwater?
Despite the violence prone and repressed Nuns, the apparently lovable, but ineffectual old fingerless gossips, and the Nazi's Serial Killer's who taught us, we really did have it good, didn't we?
Oh, and Mr. Huth. I think we all agree that he was the best!
Dan, you are ablolutely right. We really did have it good. They actually did freeze over the back playground at Atwater, so we could ice skate during recess, before & after school????
I too remember roller skating for gym class, and on Saturdays, on the wood planked floor. No place had a auditorium like SHS either - 1100 seats, modeled after Radio City Music Hall? Who would believe that?? That auditorium was only eclipsed by the talents of kids like Dan Berghaus, Patti Brietbach, etc who performed such profession productions there! Are we just being sentimental about our youth, or was it that unique of a High School experience?
Why do I think that Claudia will now be replacing the graphic of the bungy jumper with one of Betty Crocker cooking a green apple, in her Sears microwave, while holding a bowling ball & with skates on her feet! (oh yeah, with a squished mouse in the bottom corner?)
Mr. Huth was wonderful, he has such a easy going way about him.
Oh yeah, extra points go to Andy for bringing up the most obscure name yet. Where did you pull the name Mr. Andre from? Wow, I am impressed! Except if my fuzzy memory is correct you are being way too polite when you refer to him as an "arrogant sort"
If Joan hadn't declared this a family blog I would have used much more colorful words to describe him.
I am reminded of a story that has nothing to do with Shorewood.
If you pull out a copy of The Naked And The Dead you will discover that on every other page Norman Mailer writes "fug this" and "fug that" he talks about the "fuggin lousy chow" and "the fuggin Krauts" etc, etc.
When the book was published it became a huge hit and Norman was feted at literary luncheons and chi-chi Manhattan cocktail parties. It was at one such party that, when he was introduced to Talullah Bankhead, she looked him up and down and said "oh, so you're the young man who doesn't know how to spell the word fuck"!
Oh you people and your memories. So let me just add - the lovely ladies at The Sweet Shop. Beverly drugs - a great old fashioned place with a great counter and Bobby Gerber would sell cigs to me. Then there was Shore Drugs or Shore Camera - regardless of the correct name, that women behind the candy counter hated kids. My goodness she was an unpleasant person.
Ahhh, the beach. Many a sunburn in my childhood, then a little later in life, many a bottle of Southern Comfort with Dave Petersen and yet just a little later in life - well let's just say, many great times with many great people. I still miss that beach - There isn't any water here!
That's the second reference to Southern Comfort. A popular and dangerous beverage choice, especially on New Year's Eve, right Mitch?
One other teacher that was always mad and lectured us on how evil we were ... Ms. Kinney in 7th grade. What an angry person. I had it bad, my Mom was a teacher and my Dad worked as an attorney for the village of shorewood, they knew everyone and always knew when I had done anything wrong. My Dad really liked Bano and was very proud of him ... he always referred to Bano as the son he never had.
I like to think of Bano as the poster to this blog I never had.
Watch it, bud!!
and PARK!!
Watch it bud! I forgot about that... a classic.
Jane - I don't remember Bridget??? I sure remember Gabby. I remember going to her house in grade school. Her mother had big dinner parties with an interesting group of people. They were always having so much fun around that big table.
Speaking of Debbie, so many times we ended up in her basement and I am sure the place was haunted. The gargoyles!!! Or was it just...
OMG Bridgette Vineyard, I loved her. My Grandmother was her therapist! Ooops, am I talking out of turn here?
Martine Powers was da bomb! I always had so much respect for her. If you wanted somebody who would tell you exactly like it was, but with kindness, you went to Martine. I remember her Mother being kind of a hippie poet, I am suprised that she tried to make trouble for your brother Jane. Speaking of your brother, did you ever see the cartoon Daria? I always felt that they modeled the Jane Lane family after you and your brother!
Oh Story, Thank you for reminding me of the ladies at the Sweet Shop. They were as sweet as their candies. Oh god, remember penny candy?
Now I really feel old.
Here's one for the girls; remember The Burdale Shoppe???
I remember Martine, Gabby, and the name of Vineyard sounds somewhat familiar? Shore, vu, Shore Drugs, Shore Camera yes, they were mean! Glad the Laides behind the counter @ the Youth Center were great. Remember Ma Librizzi & Sophie Nicholas? I have been forced to drag out the SIS "yearbook", it is actually a pamphlet (GBC Bound). Can you believe there was a A/V Club, Needle Know How Club, and Ceramics, where Story is watching Gretea L on the Pottery wheel. Bridge & Sheepshead Club was under the watchful eye of Mr. Zweck. The pic of Drama Club had Dan Berghaus playing foot push with some chich with long brunette hair! AND the kid who sewed the Professional oxford shirt - with collar, cuffs and buttonholes in Home Ec with Mrs. Sears was James Wright!!!
Yes, Deb, is it possible for you to scan and post any of that SIS pamphlet? I'd love to see it too. I have zero photo's from that period.
Yes Deb, put down that upholstery sample and get scanning!! lc
I love the pics!! Too funny!!
Penny candy,yes and 45's, black and white TV, record players, typewriters, dodgeball, bikeriding or walking where you needed to go.... AAHHHH-I'm beginning to sound like my parents!! OK-how many of you guys remember seeing the Beatles for the first time on the Ed Sullivan Show?!
I do! I do! And when Gimbels-Schusters had cage elevators with attendents running them. And I had to dress up in my little sailor suit to go downtown, 'cause downtown was SPECIAL. Which is was!
Mrs. Nicholas passed away last year. She was one of the nicest ladies. She would always buy me lunch when I spent my food money on more important things (cough, cough).
I just had a flashbach after reading the name Patty Pokizwinski (sp) on the missing persons list. She sold me my first joint for a dollar and 4 Marlboros. Nice girl - that was quite a bargin.
Remember Mrs. Zwitter? She scared the crap out of me! I think she taught geometry.
oops sorry about the recipe page from old Betty Crocker -- I messed this up and now I can't get back in...I'll take it down later!
I would put down the fabric sample, Joan, but don't do residential stuff anymore, only historic and commercial work. Except this dull job I'm doing as a favor... BORING. Anyway, would love to post these SIS l971 pics from the so called yearbook pamphlet. BUT the pic quality is very poor, black and white, small images, and it is on textured paper. I did successfully scan it, but it is so unclear that It won't transpose on line. I spent an hour trying. Dan if you send me your address, Joan too, (on my email), I'll photo copy it and send it to you?
I'm sorry to hear about Mrs. Nicholas. She had a good heart.
Martine Powers' house was right across from Dave Phinney's, and two houses over from Davey and Irv Washneski's house. Martine was mysterious - we all thought.
There were good times at the Vacant Lot. We were throwing snowballs and drinking beer one day when I spotted Det. Cheney coming down the hill. We ran like hell. We ran across the property lines into Milwaukee by the old convent. Lost 'em !
Anyone remember Sun Blind Lion and Palmer House at the Youth Center dances ? Mr. Gould was always nervous about the dances. What a disciplinarian - what happened to him? I once danced with Beth Goetzinger to 'Smoke on the Water'.
A few nights later, coming back from the Lot, Dave P told me I danced REALLY bad. How true, and if anyone in this blog ever danced to that Deep Purple song, you'll understand why he said that. Think about it.
Dave was a good friend. If I hadn't been hung over that night when he called me, I'd have been in that front passenger seat instead of him. Still miss him.
Deb-- I scanned a couple pages of the SIS book & sent them to Claudia & Joan this afternoon-- they needed to be scanned at a very high resolution-- but Claudia said it worked.
Good - Im glad you did it. Send to Dan B too. Maybe I am just not doing it the right way. The group ones are the ones that were so hard to see. I will try again sometime this weekend, when I have the time. Meanwhile a weekend of lawn work, planting etc. (EGADS it got cold all of a sudden ).
Betty Crocker Hot or Not? Definitely not! I mean, what's wrong with her face? Her left side is all messed up. That droopy eye, that swollen cheek. I can't tell if she is a stroke victim or if she had been the recipient of a beating the night before this portrait was painted. Plus, she looks pretty uptight, and that's just not cool. And the resemblance to Nancy Reagan is definitely a turn-off.
Now Martha Logan on the other hand looks a lot friendlier. Granted, she has a few years on her and she isn't what I would call a classic beauty, but something tells me that after she lets that crimped hair down she really knows how to loosen up and have a good time. I bet after a pint of Peach Schnapps she'd be willing to try anything,...twice!
Thanks for looking out for me Deb.
Andy I didn't know you were so close to Dave. I'm so sorry. I liked him a lot -- seems like he would have made a great adult, too. It's pretty hard to understand.
and thank you Claudia for the pictures, they just get better and better...I actually guffawed at the crumpled bike.
Hi Dan,
Looks like just you and me up this early and drawn, like zombies, to our computers and the blog...good morning, sir!
Here here for Dave Phinney
Or is it hear hear!!? Doesn't matter. Dave was pretty mellow and subtly funny, I remember him planning his "goodies" just so, so there would be no "down time "during Willie Wonka And The Chocolate Factory.
Andy lived on a good block, Irv was cool too.
Remember his walk, hands hanging straight down, no swing whatsoever. I was endlessly fascinated by that.
Good Morning Ms. Nowicki!
Sorry, I am a little slow on the uptake
It's already afternoon here.
Claude? Mts. Cunningham?
ooops looks like I'm a lotta slow on the uptake.
How can that be???
OMG you are right! it's 10:04 here! How did that happen?
Okay, you're not there anymore, so I'm leaving too, I have to go get my hair cut. yes I still have hair, well some hair.
Godd morning Claudia and Dan. I too am drawn to this site each am. It has become part of my morning routine. The kids tried to throw a wrench in it this morn by asking for breakfast - but I tossed them a box of Crispy Cremes and told them to have at it.
That's the spirit, Peggy! I'm hoping for pictures from yearbooks this weekend so I can post them. We'll see what people come up with.
Good point, Joan. Back to the basics. I'm scheduling a perm today.
Joan ... in my basement we had a ping pong table and played cards all night, too. Defintely a hang-out It was lots-o-guys who didn't have girlfriends.
I do recall crashing in on your crowd a few times and sitting around in Richard Cudahy's basement talking about philosophy, listening to Elton John records and watching Joe Donald play drums ...
This is too much scrolling-- how about a new entry?
Yes, much too much scrolling down, I am getting dizzy.
I have a lead on a DJ in Milwaukeee, we have mutual friends, he is our age, has done it for years, tappered off of late, only does it for special events. Radio guy, good personality and would be great to work with, I'll get Laurels imput
It's like 10 hours later now Peggy but Good Morning to you too!
Patti, I was wrong about Miss Coppersmith, she is NOT the teacher from St. Bob's that I remember fondly and as being friendly with Robin Wren, that's a totally different person.
I am starting to remember that Coppersmith was a really frustrated and twisted piece of work,
I mean she may as well have been wearing a habit.
I'm not sure what I meant by it now, but I remember my nickname for her was Copperbottom.
The 70's shag wig pic is a hoot. I think everyone from David Cassidy to Billie jean King had that hairstyle!
remember unisex? hahahaha
where's the shag wig pic? I remember the shag haircut well. I gave Maureen Mountin one junior or senior year-poor girl! (That was after I practiced on the Barbies.)
David Cassidy and Davie Jones-I'd buy "Tiger Beat" just for pics of those two. (c'mon, you all remember Tiger Beat-at least I think that's what it was called)
Claudia-yes, the Gimbels elevators. I remember them well!
Dan- Coppersmith-yes, a prunish looking woman with a cold heart. Wonder what happened to her. Do you remember Mrs. Sammons? She was an 8th grade teacher. I loved her!
Patti, After my sister in law met Maureen Mountain last year she mentioned that Maureen had remarkably long hair. Is it possible that after you gave her that shag cut she never let anyone near her hair again? I mean what did you do to that poor girl?
Just kidding.
I don't remember Mrs. Samson. Never made it to the 8th grade at St.Bob's, I got kicked out of in the middle of the 7th grade.
Jane, are you unhappy?
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