Tony Mussomeli, Kathy Scharner, Jamie Parcher,
Bobby Ladwig, Dave Peterson, Cindy Moorbeck,
Peter Wells, Peter Bavlnka, Cary Herron, Milton Borman, Gary Morrison and Brenda Weare

Friday, July 20, 2007


Holly told me that I had better empty Buzz Stephens mailbox and check in here. So, here I am. Sorry it's been so long, and I apologize to all the people who have written to me and gotten no response. But sending emails to me at the Buzz Stephens address is kind of chancey these days. You would probably have more luck reaching me by putting a message in a bottle or throwing a note down a Wishing Well! If you want to be sure to reach me email me at or
I will be answering all of you who have written to me in the past few months during the next week. No, I haven't been in jail since my last post, just got caught up in my real time life.
For the past 20 minutes I have been reading all of the most recent posts and have had such a rush of nostalgia it's almost overwhelming, and then to see that video. Dang, you were all so beautiful. I mean, really, you all look like movie stars! And I remember everybody, from Andy Albright to Anne Wettingale. That video really touched me, thanks for posting it. However, I was a little miffed that the original ending was cut off, just because it was so funny. For those who didn't see it (cough) 32 years ago, it ended with me rushing out of the Drama Building doors and trying to coerce Audrey Lockwood into dancing with me. Remember Audrey Lockwood? And you all thought I was a character, hrmmmph! Anyway, suffice to say Audrey was not willing to participate and the movie ended with her beating me over the head with her ever present Samsonite briefcase! Priceless.
I see Sue Fantuzzi has shown up. Funny, I don't remember her from HS, but I sure remember her from the 8th grade and even remember that she once signed my jeans "Sue The Wop" But damn, girl! Where do you get your energy? Just reading your posts exhausted me! It looks like you have been on an interesting journey, and I am glad that you are still full of spunk!
And Todd, hello Todd. I remember the two of us getting into some pretty serious criminal activity when were weren't much bigger than Rug Rats, and now here you are a grand success, and me, well, let's just say I have continued on with my life of crime! Oh, and a word of advice to Chris Twining. It isn't the best idea to publish your address on the net, there is a good chance the Moonies might show up at your door, or worse, Kato Kaelin!
I'm sorry I won't be there this weekend, but I promise to make it to the 43rd annual reunion. And tonight, when you are all at TJ's, if somebody thinks of it, order a glass of Perseco for me, and when you all toast yourselves, raise my glass extra high, because I salute you all, and wish you the very best!
dan b. (no, not bennett, think harder)


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful surprise to log on this morning and see you back on the Blog. You and your grand sense of humor have been greatly missed. Oh how I wish I could see the original ending to the film, sounds priceless. I wish you the very best as well Dan and am glad you are back. xox M~

Anonymous said...

Nice to have you back Dan. Think of us at 9pm (our time) tonight - we'll have that toast for you then. Not sure if TJ carries Perseco but will MD 20/20 do? Sorry to hear you won't be coming to the reunion. We will post some pics on the blog.

Anonymous said...

To all of those that can't make it on Sat...Send an email message to me and I will read it at the reunion.

Jimbob said...

Dan -

Well, not that I don't want to see all my old classmates, but Dan, to be honest, you were among those who I was truly hoping to see.... if only to confirm that in our wayward youth you Holly and I really did sit around her house playing Glenn Miller records and opining as to the merits of big band v. Billie Holiday. Or was that just a drug-induced haze and we were really listening to Pink Floyd? We were ahead of our time, methinks... I will try to grab Holly for a dance to Chatanooga Choo Choo in your honor.

Buzz Stephens said...

Awww Martine, here is a big hug right back atcha (((((Martine))))).
I am really sorry that I won't be seeing you this weekend. I used to say "that Martine Powers, she's good people" and I still feel the same way.
Thanks, Peggy. And yes, tonight, wherever I am at 10:00 (my time, 9:00 your time), wherever I am, and whatever I am drinking, I will raise my glass and give a toast to all of you too!
And now Jim Loots, talk about a blast from the past! How the hell are you? And I still say Billie can wipe the floor with anyone!
Hope you all have a blast this weekend, and I hope each and everyone of you do something that will embarrass your children!

Buzz Stephens said...

One more thing, Peggy, If TJ doesn't have Persecco, Thunderbird will do!

Anonymous said...

I too, will not be able to attend this week-end!!
But, at 7:00 my time I will be lifting my glass to all of you and wishing I was there with you.
A toast to all the fabulous SHS slackers!
I have fond memories of you.
xoxo L

Anonymous said...

Hey Dan,
The video store cut off the end of the tape. I still have the original reel, and the antique projector, so if I can, I'll repost it with the harassment of Ms. Lockwood.
Here's to you, my friend. Gamergause.

Anonymous said...

I'd better get to the party now.

Buzz Stephens said...

"harrasment of Ms. Lockwood" ahahaha.
Oh, Holly, my sweet Lulu, I still, and will always, think you as one of the great women of the 20th and 21st centuries!

Buzz Stephens said...

Ah hem, Laurel and I would love to hear some details regarding the festivities...
Anyone have any good stories about the weekend? Any bad stories?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I second Dan B.'s thought above.....and did everyone give a toast and tribute to Gary M. as remembrance?

Photos, too, of the weekend would be great on the Blog.........and, or course, I was sorry that I could not attend......Here's hoping everyone enjoyed themselves and best wishes to all.......Daniel

Patti Breitbach Rashid said...

Hello again Dan B. ---so good to hear that all is well.
The big event has come and gone and what an event it was! Everything turned out fabulously and to those of you who were not in attendance you were missed but thought of. I'm sure DVD and pics will follow once everyone returns home from their travels and/or recuperates! It was great fun to see everyone!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Dan Berghaus. You are, as always, a gentleman.

p.s. It was a blast. Profound little 5-minute conversations that brought large dangling threads full circle. Grief for those who are gone, missing those who missed the night. Good bratwurst, dear friends, love.

Anonymous said...

It was a fabulous event - so glad that I attended. And thanks again to the committee for all of their hard work and making it happen. gillian

Anonymous said...

Words aren't enough here to say how much I appreciate the extreme personal dedication of the entire team for this ReU.
I missed too many people due to many factors; weather in Atlanta keeping me in FL til my late arrival, & seeing people who I never imagined I would see & listening & sharing my own years since high school.
I took it narrow & deep instead of wide & shallow at the Big Bang, hoping to catch those I missed at the BBQ Sunday.
As I said, words here are not enough but hopefully as the last chapter of the book I am writing, you will read just how much this meant & how much it touched my heart.
O.K. now I'm all sentimental & blubbery which I must stop as I am busy moving, about to begin my new life in a new home doing what I want to do ....
I have some wonderful pix so I will rely on Anita's help once more to get them here asap.
W/o Claudia - this blog - & Anita, NONE of this would have happened for me ;-)
Blubber Blubber Blubber.... must move 4ward thru these tears......
Anyone wishing to tell me any memories left unsaid, please share here or my email. Remember that I am writing this as my final chapter, so be clear if I may use your name etcetcetc.
We all look to me just like kids, all dressed up as grown ups ....
& kids, I'm awfully PROUD of all of US..........

Anonymous said...

Ditto to all the above.
Patti, Martine, Peggy, Anita, Greta, Kathy, Peter Chow, Clark, all did a FABULOUS job, Sat evening - felt bad just walking in at 5:30 enjoying, and not have to run around like the Milw committee did. Thanks too to those who donated to the Auction.
That memory table was something else.......Becky Willis even saved her hand written speech when she ran for student council1?!?!? And those "dinks" of course!!
It was so overwhelming seeing everyone; like a vault in my brain that opened up, will take some time to process........
I have over one hundred pics, which I have not seen yet, only in my camera viewer, (but I'm sure they'll be good)!!! I hope the one of Lisa Haerings "red carpet worthy" sandels turns out?"
Please let me know the best way to post them, too big of a file to email to all, but should be posted on the blog, or someones roomy web site for all to view and to download.
Dan, you were missed, I mentioned you several times during the evening, and no confusion, as Dan Bennett was there, in person!
Lets all stay in touch,
Deb R

Anonymous said...

To Deb R. and others with photos:

Please note that you can go to Web sites such as and to post photos.

It's easy and you simply have to again post here with the name of the account that you created so we can all go look at the cool photos of the #31 Re-Onion.....Thanks Deb R.! Daniel

statrixbob said...

Aloha to all, especially those who worked so hard. I had a great time and look forward to doing it again sometime. I miss you all and insist that anyone coming to Hawaii drop me a line (and everyone who isn't coming here for that matter).

Anonymous said...

Horrah to all those who made this reunion an unbelievable memory. I think this is the best one I crashed out of the last three. You are all so gracious for letting some of us younger (oops) I mean underclassmen attend. Had a great time and look forward to crashing the next.
Jeanne Dominski

Anonymous said...

Re: Photos
OK, several suggestions were made regarding where, and how to post the 126 photos (213 MB), that I took, and others have as well. I I will do whatever works best for everyone to see them, and download if they want too.
Flickr account, Yahoo account were suggested, with a link from our Blog. Just let me know what to do & write to me via my email. Julie and Anita discussed this at the R U, so just discuss with them, and the rest, and let me know what I should do. I think that I got everybody in a photo, (not to mention Lisa Haerings shoes)!!!
All the pics are now on my computer hard drive, and on a disc as well. You all should be proud that I was able to accomplish that!!!
Looking forward to instructions. And anxious to share them with you all.
Deb R

Anonymous said...

Ok, just for fun I created a Yahoo group called shs76grads. You can find it at:
I put up 5 of my photos as a test. You can go look at them and see if you like this format, or prefer Flickr (also run by Yahoo). If anyone is having trouble joining, or wants me to send them an invite with instructions, just send me an email at julie at paque dot com.

Sorry I missed the picnic, family stuff got in the way.


Patti Breitbach Rashid said...

thanks you guys for taking and posting the photos. Deb, were you ever without your camera Sat eve.? I sure hope you were in some of those shots. actually, i have a couple of you that I will post.

Anonymous said...

I have also posted a few shots at the Yahoo group site. Follow Julie's link-- you'll need to open a Yahoo account if you don't already have one.

Buzz Stephens said...

Hello Patti, Bob, Julie, Deb, my beloved Gillian, Sorry I missed seeing you all, and am especially sorry I missed my chance to Jitterbug with Patti Breitbach and Gillian Sender (who, incidentally, I won a swing Dance contest with in Madison 30 years ago! But I am sure we weren't as good as Patti and Daniel E. and some of you others who really know how to swing dance. Gillibean and I got through on enthusiasm, not talent, lol!
I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures. Is that picture in the gym from your tour of the school? And is that Bob Harrison standing with Holly, who is looking so glamorous and beautiful these days?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Dan, that is, in fact, the amazing Bob Harrison along with the glamorous and beautiful Holly, touring our arena....

Buzz Stephens said...

Actually I meant Bob Harrison looks glamorous and beautiful, Holly looks ok too, I guess...

Anonymous said...

Finally had a moment to post my cherished photos on the yahoo group site. Glad it was so easy that I didn't have to bug Anita who helped me with those U see here pre-ReU.
Easy to see how Anita, Claudia, Rebecca S. & many of U Moms are doing a GR8 job ...... patience & readiness to help all of US kidz