Holly told me that I had better empty Buzz Stephens mailbox and check in here. So, here I am. Sorry it's been so long, and I apologize to all the people who have written to me and gotten no response. But sending emails to me at the Buzz Stephens address is kind of chancey these days. You would probably have more luck reaching me by putting a message in a bottle or throwing a note down a Wishing Well! If you want to be sure to reach me email me at clothedambition@aol.com or clothedambition@yahoo.com.
I will be answering all of you who have written to me in the past few months during the next week. No, I haven't been in jail since my last post, just got caught up in my real time life.
For the past 20 minutes I have been reading all of the most recent posts and have had such a rush of nostalgia it's almost overwhelming, and then to see that video. Dang, you were all so beautiful. I mean, really, you all look like movie stars! And I remember everybody, from Andy Albright to Anne Wettingale. That video really touched me, thanks for posting it. However, I was a little miffed that the original ending was cut off, just because it was so funny. For those who didn't see it (cough) 32 years ago, it ended with me rushing out of the Drama Building doors and trying to coerce Audrey Lockwood into dancing with me. Remember Audrey Lockwood? And you all thought I was a character, hrmmmph! Anyway, suffice to say Audrey was not willing to participate and the movie ended with her beating me over the head with her ever present Samsonite briefcase! Priceless.
I see Sue Fantuzzi has shown up. Funny, I don't remember her from HS, but I sure remember her from the 8th grade and even remember that she once signed my jeans "Sue The Wop" But damn, girl! Where do you get your energy? Just reading your posts exhausted me! It looks like you have been on an interesting journey, and I am glad that you are still full of spunk!
And Todd, hello Todd. I remember the two of us getting into some pretty serious criminal activity when were weren't much bigger than Rug Rats, and now here you are a grand success, and me, well, let's just say I have continued on with my life of crime! Oh, and a word of advice to Chris Twining. It isn't the best idea to publish your address on the net, there is a good chance the Moonies might show up at your door, or worse, Kato Kaelin!
I'm sorry I won't be there this weekend, but I promise to make it to the 43rd annual reunion. And tonight, when you are all at TJ's, if somebody thinks of it, order a glass of Perseco for me, and when you all toast yourselves, raise my glass extra high, because I salute you all, and wish you the very best!
dan b. (no, not bennett, think harder)